Fire & Brimstone (Neighbor from Hell #8) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,41

fucked her hard and fast. He kept going until long after she’d stopped screaming and his own orgasm threatened to break him in two as it ripped through him.

Gasping, and more satisfied than he’d ever felt in his entire life, he dropped his head onto her shoulder and chuckled, because he couldn’t believe the most amazing woman that he’d ever met was also the one that he’d spent the last five years fantasizing about-

“I quit.”


Chapter 20

Closing her eyes with a defeated sigh, she demanded of the large man sulking after her, “Why exactly are you following me?”

“We need to talk,” Lucifer said and she really couldn’t help the pathetic groan that escaped her or the fact that she was becoming increasingly bitchy since all she wanted to do was sleep and all he wanted to do was argue.

Why couldn’t he just enjoy the afterglow like a normal man and leave her alone? she wondered as she struggled to drag herself through her apartment. All she wanted to do was curl up in bed, close her eyes and savor the way her entire body hummed with pleasure from the most incredible orgasm that she’d ever experienced, but the stubborn son of a bitch following her to her bedroom wouldn’t let her have that.

Selfish son of a bitch, she thought as she forced her feet past her bed and instead headed for her dresser, because today was Wednesday and she was supposed to work the evening shift. She was tempted to say that hell with it and go to bed for the night since she’d just quit. The problem was that she didn’t have a job lined up and after she finished her two weeks, money was going to be tight enough as it was.

She needed the hours, she told herself over and over again in her head, hoping that it would give her the energy that she was going to need to survive the next eight hours. Forcing herself not to look at that inviting, messy bed where Mojo was currently snoring, she focused on getting ready for work.

Oh, to be a dog…

“What are you doing?” Lucifer asked when it should have been more than obvious.

“Getting ready for work,” she mumbled, grabbing a fresh Fire & Brimstone tee-shirt, jeans, socks and panties before turning around and once again forcing her feet to take her away from her bed.

“I thought you’d just quit,” Lucifer snapped, not really sounding all that happy for a guy that had been trying to fire her for the past five years.

Before she got a chance to respond, the reminder that the walls were thin cut her off. “You quit?” Melanie asked from her bedroom, which just happened to be next to hers.

“Yes!” she hissed with a glare at the wall.

“Oh…,” came the response from the other side of the wall. “Are you going to apply for that bouncer job?”

She probably would if it was still available, but it had been weeks since she spotted that ad so it was probably already filled. She was going to have to dust off her resume, think of new explanations to explain her checkered work history and start spending all her free time searching for jobs and filling out applications.

“Maybe,” she said, hoping that would appease their audience.

“You’re not quitting,” Lucifer snapped, making her cringe, because if there was one thing that Melanie liked, it was gossip. She loved to know everything that was going on, but she was surprisingly tight lipped, refusing to share anything.

“Oh, this should be good,” she heard Melanie mumble to herself.

Yeah, this was going to be great, she thought dryly as she paused by the towel closet, blindly reached inside, grabbed a semi-folded towel and headed towards the bathroom, praying that Lucifer would lose interest so that she could take a shower in peace.

“You’re not quitting,” he said more firmly as he shut the bathroom door behind them as though that would somehow make her change her mind.

Sighing, she tossed the crumpled towel on the sink counter. “I have to quit.”

“Why do you have to quit?” Melanie asked, obviously too curious to wait until later to start her interrogation.

“Mind your business, bitch!” she yelled, deciding that the next place they moved to was going to have walls lined with lead.

“You are my business, bitch!” came the reply, making her shake her head and Lucifer glare at her, because apparently he wasn’t happy about having an audience either.

“Look,” she said, too exhausted to argue, “do you think Copyright 2016 - 2024