Fire & Brimstone (Neighbor from Hell #8) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,119

blame her, because he really couldn’t, but it had to be done and they both knew it.

“They’re just stomach cramps from working out,” she bit out.

“Working out?” he asked, wondering if she was referring to the times when she had to wiggle, shimmy and roll to her side to get off the couch.

“Yes! Working out!” she snapped a bit angrily as she glared at him, getting that look in her eye that she always got just before she gave birth.

She wanted to go for his balls.

Great, he thought dryly as he started the car and pulled out of the garage. This was just what he needed today, he thought just as the screaming began…


“Would you stop screaming so I can focus?” Duncan snapped, when the selfish bastard let out another bloodcurdling scream.

“My hand’s broken, you insensitive bastard!” Trevor bitched as Zoe, who was trying to breathe through the next contraction, tightened her grip around Trevor’s disturbingly swollen and bruised hand and tried to bite back a scream.

A few seconds later, still panting heavily, Zoe said, “I’m fine. Really,” making them both roll their eyes, because this was just getting really fucking old.

“You’re not fine, Zoe. You’re in labor,” he explained, deciding that it was time to put the backseat down and help her get comfortable, because there was no way that they were going to make it to the hospital in time.

“Where the hell are you going?” Trevor asked with hint of desperation in his voice.

Not that Duncan could blame him, not when Zoe kept glaring at him in that terrifying way. As he made his way to the back and popped the hatch, he couldn’t help but wonder if Necie was going to try to kill him when they had their first child. He couldn’t really see his sweet, somewhat accident-prone wife trying to go for his balls, but then again, things could change when you had to push a nine pound Bradford out.

“What the hell’s taking so long?” Trevor snapped, and he knew that Trevor was more worried about his wife than his hand.

Bradfords cherished their wives no matter how much they wanted to throttle them. He’d do anything for his wife, absolutely anything and Trevor was no different. He’d take the pain that Zoe was dishing out and then some as long as she safe.

“Dad’s waiting for her at the hospital,” Reese announced as he strolled past him to check on Zoe.

“She’s not going to make it to the hospital,” Duncan said, damn near sighing in relief that his brother had shown up.

Not that he would tell the bastard that, but they were looking at a triple delivery here and he was going to need someone with training to help him. Reese’s training wasn’t as extensive as his, but it would be enough to help him bring these three babies safely into the world.

“What the hell’s going on?” Jason, the cousin that took great pride in fucking with everyone’s head, asked as he joined him at the back of the SUV. Without being asked, Jason started unloading the back and put everything out of the way.

“She’s in labor,” Duncan explained as they put the backseat down.

“What do you need?” Jason asked, reminding him why he liked the annoying bastard so much.

“Towels, sheets, water, anything that you can find to clean these babies and keep them warm,” he said, joining Reese, who was trying to distract Zoe with cheesy jokes.

“Ready?” Duncan asked as he reached for Zoe.

Nodding, Reese took Zoe’s other hand in his and together they helped her out of the front seat. Before her feet had to get a chance to touch the ground they were carrying her. For a second, he thought about bringing her back into the house, but the scream that she released told him exactly how much time they had.

“Should we put her on the ground?” Reese asked as Trevor jumped into the backseat and positioned himself to hold his wife.

“No, there’s no time,” he said, having absolutely no doubt that they were minutes from welcoming the next generation of Bradfords.

God help them all.

“We need more help,” Jason said as he came outside. “I’ve got everything set up inside, but there’s no way that I’m going to be able to handle three babies on my own.”

“Helps already here,” Darrin said with Marybeth by his side, looking happier than he’d ever seen his brother.

“Oh my God,” Marybeth said, who was incidentally looking more terrified than he’d ever seen her and that was saying Copyright 2016 - 2024