Fire & Brimstone (Neighbor from Hell #8) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,109

to speak with Eric and the time that she came back to see if he was ready to leave.

“I’m kind of tired. When do you think we’ll go home?” she asked nonchalantly as she noticed yet another large green highway sign notifying her that they were getting closer to the New Hampshire border.

No answer.


Shaking her head, she sat back against her seat and stared out the window at the cars passing by. All those years of teasing him to see just how far she could push him and someone else had broken him when she’d left the room. She felt robbed.


She continued staring out the window for another ten minutes before she couldn’t take it anymore. She didn’t bother asking him where they were going or what they were doing, because she knew that he wasn’t going to answer. Besides, after the long and seriously disturbing day that they’d just had she was too tired to play this game with him.

“Look, it’s late and I’m too tired to keep playing this game. Either turn around and take me home or find a hotel so that I can get some sleep and be well rested in the morning to deal with whatever it is that you’re going through,” she said, too exhausted to sugarcoat this.

All she wanted to do was take a shower, climb in bed and sleep for the next forty-eight hours. Then after a hearty breakfast she’d hopefully feel up to dealing with whatever was going on with him. She just hoped that after a good night’s rest that he would give up his plans to kidnap her, tell her what was going on and bring her back home so that she could figure out the best way to grovel for her job back.

Maybe get on her hands and knees?

No, that wasn’t going to work, mostly because she wasn’t going to be able to pull that one off. She could try buttering him up with a home cooked meal, but she really wasn’t much of a cook. Lucifer was a better cook and would just take one look at her half-assed attempt to bribe him, shake his head and cook his own meal.

So, that just left…

Oh God, she had no idea what that left, because she was too damn exhausted to think right now. She still couldn’t believe just how much could happen in one day. Closing her eyes, she gave up. He was either going to keep going until they hit the North Pole or he was going to turn around and bring her home where she could pass out in her own bed.

Actually, she preferred his bed since it was bigger, more comfortable and had him in it. She always slept better when she was with him. He kept her warm, kept her safe and made her feel like she was where she was always meant to be.

With him.


“Lemme sleep,” Rebecca grumbled angrily as she weakly slapped at him, making him chuckle as he carefully placed her on the first double bed in the hotel room that he’d reluctantly rented for the night.

He’d planned on driving straight through the night to the court house and wait until they opened their doors so that he could drag her inside and make it legally impossible for her to ever leave him. He’d changed his plans when she’d slumped over, grumbled and attempted to slap the shit out of his leg in an attempt to soften his leg to her pillow standards.

When it became obvious that she wasn’t going to stop, he decided that maybe it was time to call it a night. After finding a Marriott, he got a room, took his life into his own hands and woke her up. It took him about ten minutes to get her inside and then another fifteen to get her to their room. Once he had her there, he stripped them both naked, dragged her into the shower and took his time caressing her skin, running his fingers through her hair as he held her.

Then he was holding her, just holding her as they stood beneath the showerhead and realizing that he was going to get the chance to hold her just like that for the rest of their lives. It had been the best moment of his night and one that had ended much too soon. When the water started to cool, he’d turned off the shower, wrapped her in a towel and after she muttered, “You may manhandle me,” Copyright 2016 - 2024