Fire & Brimstone (Neighbor from Hell #8) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,103

figure it out eventually,” Melanie said with a shrug as they continued to lay there, staring at the white ceiling. “Now it’s your turn. What did Lucifer do?”

“He sort of proposed,” she said, testing the words and not really sure if shouting them at her counted as a proposal.

“Wow,” Melanie said, not really sounding surprised. “Was it romantic?”

“Not really,” she said, laughing as she thought about that horrified expression on his face a split second after he’d shouted at her.

Sighing, Melanie gave her hand a squeeze. “It’s for the best anyway. I was going to ask you to move out anyway,” she said with a shrug.

“I see,” Rebecca murmured, thinking about Lucifer and how it would feel to spend the rest of her life with him and when she didn’t panic or feel sick to her stomach, she smiled.

“You’re going to marry him, right?”

She shrugged. “If I don’t get a better offer.”

Melanie nodded in agreement. “He’s really lucky to have you.”

“I know,” she said, nodding solemnly as she sat up.

“Where are you going?” Melanie called after her.

“To get some information,” she said, heading for the door even though she had absolutely no idea what she was looking for or who she should talk to. She just knew that she needed to figure out a few things before she made Lucifer the happiest man alive.


“Umm, exactly what are you doing back here?” Aidan asked as he sat there, staring down at his beer while Jason and Trevor sang their rendition of “War” with the help of Lucifer’s mother.

“I-I tried to make her leave,” their father said, sitting there, looking horrified as he watched his wife sing her heart out.

Shaking his head, because he had no fucking clue why he was here, he grabbed his brother’s beer and finished it off. Before he’d swallowed the last drop, he was signaling for another round.

“I just needed a place to clear my head,” he said, deciding that the waitress was taking too long and swiped his father’s beer.

“And you willingly chose a karaoke bar to accomplish that?” Aidan asked as he searched the plates covering the table for a morsel of food that might have escaped someone’s notice, but there was nothing left.

“That and I got your text,” Lucifer said, gesturing for a second round of appetizers when the waitress dropped their beer off, which is probably why it took him a few seconds to realize that Aidan was frowning.

“What text? I didn’t send you a text,” he said, pulling out his phone only to shake his head with a muttered, “Fucking assholes,” before he shot a glare at the two large bastards on stage.

“So, I’m guessing that you didn’t need my help to drag mom out of here,” Lucifer said dryly as he rubbed his hands down his face and groaned.

One day he was going to kill those bastards.

“Well, I wouldn’t say that,” Aidan said, gesturing towards their mother who didn’t appear as though she was going to willingly give up that mic anytime soon.

“I thought you would have left after dinner,” he said, deciding that talking about absolute bullshit was better than focusing on his latest fuck up.

“We tried,” Aidan bit out, looking close to losing his fucking mind, which he honestly couldn’t blame him for.

Christ, he’d only been here for a few minutes and he was already close to losing his fucking mind. He wasn’t sure how he would handle three hours stuck in this place.

“That was so much fun! Let’s do another one!” their mother said, gushing with excitement as Jason and Trevor led her back to the table.

As soon as they saw him, their expressions turned calculating. After they helped his mother to her seat they sat down across from him.

“Well, well, well, look who we have here,” Jason murmured as Trevor grabbed his beer and took a sip.

“We’ve been waiting for you,” Trevor said, placing his beer back on the table so that he could gesture to the waitress for more food. With a confused look on her face, she scribbled something down and headed back towards the kitchen.

“Uh huh,” Lucifer said, really not caring until Jason opened his mouth and let him know that his night was far from over.

“Our other guest should arrive in just a few minutes,” Jason said, grinning.

“Then the fun can really begin,” Trevor said, not smiling, but looking just as pleased.

“You called my girlfriend?” he asked, deciding that it would be for the best if he clarified things first.

“Texted her,” Jason said, Copyright 2016 - 2024