Finn's Fantasy (Maine Men #1) - K.C. Wells Page 0,80

“Dad let me read something that made things a whole lot clearer, that’s all.”

“And don’t forget you played a part in this.” Joel gazed fondly at Carrie. “I don’t know what you said to him on the phone, but you sure talked him down.”

“I knew he’d be okay about it, once he got over the shock.”

Nate coughed, then speared Joel with a look. “Dad? Finn, remember? Call him.”

Smiling, Joel pulled his phone from his pocket and called Finn’s number.

“Hey. I wanted to call, but I figured it would be best to wait.” Finn paused. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Have you eaten yet?”

“Not yet. I’m on my third cup of coffee though. Does that count?”

Joel laughed. “Be ready in about ten minutes. I’ll drop by to pick you up. You’re invited to breakfast.” This time he paused. “A family breakfast.”


“Finn? You still there?”

“Yeah, still here. You sure you want me there?”

Joel smiled. “All of us want you there. And I hope you’re hungry. I’m taking us all to Becky’s.”

Finn cackled. “What’s the likelihood of Megan turning up again?”

“Don’t say that. Don’t even think it.” Joel just wanted some time with Carrie, his kids—and Finn.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Finn gazed at the finished deck with a smile. Good job.

It had taken Finn all week to finish it, coming over as soon as he finished work, but it was finally done. Joel had protested that completion could have waited till the weekend, but Finn had suffered a major attack of the guilts. Too much time in Joel’s bed—or his, if it came to that—meant too little time spent on the job Joel was paying him for, and that wouldn’t do at all.

And now it’s finished? Where does that leave us?

Of course, once the deck-building activities were done for the night, other activities took precedence. It wasn’t as if he could work in the dark, right? And if Joel wanted to get in a little naked time, Finn wasn’t about to say no.

Except it hadn’t all been hot, sweaty sex. There had been a couple of evenings on the futon while they watched movies, and one night spent entirely at the kitchen table, when Joel had brought out a board game he’d found when he’d bought the house. Marvel Villainous was one of the coolest games Finn had ever played, and he took great delight in scuppering Joel’s plans. It was overwhelming at first, due to its many layers, but they’d soon gotten the hang of it, and had played it three times in succession.

The one thing he’d always remember about that night? Their laughter. Finn couldn’t recall the last time he’d laughed so much. Gotta love a man who makes you laugh. And there it was, the crux of Finn’s dilemma.

He was falling in love with Joel, and he couldn’t see into the future to know how it was going to end. Sure, he knew how he wanted it to end, but he wasn’t the only one in this relationship. And it was a relationship from his point of view.

How Joel saw it? Finn had no clue, and was too scared to find out. Besides, what’s wrong with what we have? It works, right? Joel seemed happy to continue, so why rock the boat? Not everyone wants commitment, right? And Joel was just starting on his journey of discovery. Surely he wouldn’t want to be tied down as soon as he stepped out of the gate.

Of course, he could just ask Joel, but the thought of Joel’s face, that look of what the hell do I do now? he wouldn’t be able to hide…

Then Joel opened the screen door, and Finn pasted on a smile. “Ta-da!”

Joel stepped out onto the deck, beaming. “This looks great.” He ran his hand down the nearest post, one of the six that supported the pergola. “I had no idea you were putting this up too.”

Finn smiled. “I knew when I drew it that you loved the idea. So I adjusted my calculations for the delivery. You don’t pay for it though.”

Joel blinked. “Say what?”

He shook his head. “You wanted a deck. The pergola was my idea, to show you what you could have out here, how it could look. So think of it as a deck-warming gift from me.” It wasn’t as it had been a great expense, and he’d put the whole thing up in less than thirty minutes.

Joel’s eyes were soft, his face glowing. “Aw, thank you. I… I don’t know what to say.”

Finn didn’t want words—he wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024