Finn's Fantasy (Maine Men #1) - K.C. Wells Page 0,46

job, or is this just how you are?”

“The latter, I guess.” Finn gestured to the landscape fabric. “I was mentally planning my tasks. When do the kids get here?”

Joel chuckled. “I have no idea, but I doubt it will be early. Let’s just say when it comes to getting Nate out of bed, a crowbar comes in handy.”

Finn laughed. “That reminds me of my friend Ben. He is not a morning person. We used to sit near him in the first class of the day, to nudge him when he fell asleep.”

Joel held up his cup. “I was going to pour myself another. Want one?”

Finn bit his lip. “That isn’t fair when I’m ready to start work.”

“Sorry. I just didn’t want to drink my coffee alone this morning.”

As if Finn could refuse an offer like that. “In that case, I’ll go around front, seeing as you’d need climbing gear to get in through the back door.”

Joel rolled his eyes at Finn’s joke. “Because of course, my back door is so high off the ground.” He closed it. Finn walked through the side gate and around to the front porch. Joel had already opened the door, and as soon as Finn stepped inside, the mouthwatering aroma of coffee and bacon filled his nostrils.

“I like how your morning smells.” He toed off his boots and walked across the hardwood floor in his socks.

Joel let out another chuckle. “Bacon kinda lingers. Help yourself to coffee. And while you’re doing it, tell me what you expect from me in the way of beverages and snacks throughout the day.”

Finn stared at him. “I don’t expect you to feed me. I have a Thermos of coffee and a couple of bottles of water, and I made sandwiches.”

“Well, don’t even think about eating those out there. The kids will want you to join us for lunch, I can tell you that now.” Joel pointed upward. “I’m going to put some clothes on. You know where the coffee pot is.” And with that, he headed up the staircase.

Finn walked into the kitchen and surveyed the clutter-free countertops. “Joel? Where do you keep your mugs?”

“Cabinet above the coffee pot,” Joel called down. “There’s creamer in the refrigerator. You don’t take sugar, right?”

“You have a good memory.” Finn opened the cabinet and grabbed a mug. Bramble appeared at his side, and Finn gave him a pat. “Good morning to you too, Bramble.” The dog did his thing of sitting on Finn’s foot and leaning, and Finn laughed. “You can’t stay there. Go on, back to your bed. You can have cuddles in a minute.” Bramble let out a small huff, then wandered back into the living room. “Hey, Joel? You do know the concrete is only gonna take me half the day, right? I might be done by the time you’re ready for lunch.”

Joel’s chuckle reverberated around the cottage. “Lord, I love your optimism. You think you’re going to keep at it when the kids get here? You don’t think you might have a few interruptions?”

Finn laughed. “Okay, you may have a point. You ready for tonight? You must be happy about them spending the night. First time in the new place, and all.”

“Happy—and nervous.”

“Why nervous?”

“Because they haven’t done this before. When I moved out, they didn’t come visit me—I went to them. So this is kind of a big deal.”

Finn wasn’t fooled by Joel’s calm voice. “No—this sounds like a huge deal. What have you got planned for them?”

“There’s pizza for dinner—because how can you go wrong with pizza?—and then I’ve got sodas and popcorn for later, while we watch a movie.”

Finn stilled, his mug halfway to his lips. “Er… who’s choosing the movie?”

Joel chuckled. “They are. I’ll just put Netflix on and hand over the remote. Because God forbid I choose a movie they think is old, or boring, or… I am so out of touch with the jargon kids use nowadays.”

“I think letting them choose is the safest option. Just be ready to veto it if you think it’s inappropriate.” Joel’s kids didn’t strike Finn as being the kind who’d want to watch slasher movies, but then again, what would he know? There might only be seven years between him and Nate, but a whole chasm of difference in their worlds.

Joel came into the kitchen, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. “I’m also a little nervous because it’ll be Nate’s first time driving here without Carrie.” On the kitchen table, Joel’s phone buzzed, and he went to Copyright 2016 - 2024