Finn's Fantasy (Maine Men #1) - K.C. Wells Page 0,39

me, right?”

Joel’s eyes shone. “Are you going to be my friend?” He rolled his eyes. “That makes me sound like I’m six years old.”

Finn laughed. “I can see us becoming friends for sure. I know I’ll be working for you, but I think we’re past the employer/employee stage, don’t you?”

Joel’s smile was bright. “Yes, I do.” Happy was a good look on him. “Thanks again for what you did today.”

Finn smiled. “Bringing the auger?”

“That, and the conversation. You have no idea how important this was.”

The idea that he’d brought Joel a measure of happiness made Finn feel like a million dollars. “You have a whole new life ahead of you. That must be pretty exciting.”

“Exciting—and scary as hell.”

Finn knew he was thinking about his kids. And although he could happily have spent the rest of the day talking to Joel, there were jobs awaiting him at home, not to mention the auger sitting out there in his truck.

“Thanks for lunch, but I really need to take the auger back. Its owner is building his own house right now.”

“That’s your dream too.”

Finn smiled. “You remembered. Yeah. One day, maybe. But then I do have a few chores to fill the rest of my weekend. Next weekend, you get to watch me pour concrete.”

Joel’s eyes twinkled. “Be still my beating heart. I’m not sure it can stand that much excitement.” He pointed to Finn’s T-shirt that he’d placed over the back of one of the chairs. “Don’t forget to take your laundry with you.”

“Thanks again for the use of your shower.”

“Don’t mention it. Oh, and by the way? The other day when you told me not to get too close?” Joel grinned. “I didn’t mind the way you smelled at all.”

There was no mistaking that glint in Joel’s eyes.

Why, Mr. Hall. You’re flirting with me.

Finn coughed. “I’d better be going.” He grabbed his jacket and T-shirt, and Joel walked him to the door. Bramble got up from his bed and trotted over. Finn reached down to pat him. “Good boy.” That earned him a tail wag.

“I’ll be sure to look for you, next time I’m walking Bramble on the beach. Have a good week.”

They said their goodbyes, then Finn headed for his truck. He switched on the engine and pulled out of the driveway, casting one last glance at Joel in the rear-view mirror.

Well, what do you know about that?

Finn wasn’t about to make a move on him—that wouldn’t have been professional—but he couldn’t deny something had changed.

I can always hope, right?

Joel smiled when he saw Carrie’s name on his screen. “Hey,” he said as soon as the call connected. “I have holes.”

Carrie chuckled. “Do you want maybe to rephrase that? Or at least supply more information.”

Joel laughed. “Finn stopped by today, and he brought a very useful tool with him. All the holes are dug, ready for the concrete.”

“He did them all?”

“No, he didn’t—we did. He couldn’t have done it without me.” He knew that sounded smug, but Joel didn’t give a shit.

“I can see it now. Kevin O’Connor will be asking you do to a guest spot on This Old House.”

“You may mock, but you should’ve seen me.”

She laughed. “So Saturday is concrete day?”

“Yes. Finn says he’ll leave it to cure, and then it’ll be full speed ahead.”

There was a pause. “Nate and Laura want to visit next weekend—on their own.”

Joel’s heartbeat slipped into a higher gear. “Seriously? Nate feels okay about that?”

“Yeah, he’s happy about the drive. But I’ll only let them come if you’re sure they won’t be in the way.”

Joel chuckled. “They won’t be in my way. Finn is the one doing the work.”

“There is one thing though. Laura asked if they could stay over.”

His chest tightened. “Was Nate okay with that too?”

“He says so.” Another pause. “What’s more important is, are you okay with that?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? It’ll be great. I’ll make sure to get in some popcorn and sodas, and we can watch a movie.” Then he realized a shopping trip was on the cards. He’d need more bedding.

“Hey, go easy on the soda. Laura is hyperactive as it is. You don’t want her bouncing off the walls.”

He laughed. “Laura doesn’t need soda to bounce.”

“True.” Carrie cleared her throat. “So… Finn… Definitely not how I pictured him.”

Joel recalled her description. “He sure isn’t.”

“In fact, I’d say he’s really cute.” Her tone grew teasing. “Are you interested? Is he interested?”

Oh fuck.

“Now you stop that. You don’t know anything about him. You hear me trying to Copyright 2016 - 2024