Finn's Fantasy (Maine Men #1) - K.C. Wells Page 0,31

plenty of food to go around. I figured everyone would be hungry after all this activity, so I made a lot.”

Joel knew what she wanted him to ask. “Why don’t you stay for dinner?” he suggested.

Finn stilled. “Hey, I wouldn’t wanna impose.”

“You won’t be, and like Carrie says, she’s made a lot.”

“Yeah, but a lot of what?”

“Beef casserole,” Joel told him.

“Okay, but is she a good cook?” Finn asked in a stage whisper. Carrie gave a mock gasp.

“Mom is a great cook,” Nate said. “This is one of our favorites.”

“Look, if you have some place to be, we understand.” Not that Joel wanted him to go. It had been an enjoyable afternoon. The kids had gotten into the spirit of the task, Carrie had made sure they had plenty to drink, and the deck was virtually gone. Nate and Carrie had worked on the removal of the supporting poles. All that was left was to remove the last bit of the deck, and level the ground. They’d accomplished a lot.

Finn rubbed his chin. “I have Chicken Ding back home waiting for me.”

Joel frowned. “What the hell is chicken ding?”

Finn grinned. “I stick a knife through the plastic, I shove it in the microwave, and when it goes ding, it’s done.”

Joel laughed. “Well, if you prefer that over Carrie’s beef casserole…”

Finn rolled his eyes. “I think you already know the answer to that.”

“But there are only four chairs,” Laura pointed out.

“There’s a stool that I keep in the bathroom,” Joel told her. “Someone can have that.”

“Could you tell me about some of the jobs you’ve worked on?” Nate asked Finn. “I’d love to hear about them.”

“Hey, if you want to walk Bramble after dinner,” Joel told him, “and if you can persuade Finn to go along, he can show you where he’s working right now. He’s building that hotel facing the shore.”

Nate’s eyes were huge. “A hotel?”

Finn laughed. “I’m not building it on my own, but yeah, you might find it interesting.”

“That place on the road? Yeah I’d love to know more about it.”

At least Nate had talked more during this visit, although most of the time it had been to Finn. Joel’s stomach clenched.

I wish you’d talk to me, son.

Finn wiped his lips with a napkin and pushed his empty plate away from him. “My compliments to the chef. That was delicious.” Carrie hadn’t been kidding. She’d made enough for a small army. Joel was going to be living on leftovers for a few days yet.

“Glad you liked it.” Carrie peered into the dish. “There’s more, if you want.”

“Two portions already have my belt straining.” It had been a pleasant meal. Nate had asked lots of questions, and Finn had been more than happy to answer them. Joel had seemed a little quiet, but that was because Laura and Nate had done most of the talking.

What Finn couldn’t get his head around was the relationship between Carrie and Joel. They got along like a house on fire. They joked with each other the way Finn did with his friends, at ease with each other.

Well, of course they’re at ease. They were married for how long? These guys know each other really well.

Finn watched them, rubbing his chin and scratching his cheek. His parents had divorced when he was seven, and Finn recalled the atmosphere, the tension…

In a burst of clarity, it came to him. That’s what’s confusing me. They don’t act like a divorced couple. Okay, so not all divorces were alike, but… He couldn’t help wondering what on earth had prompted the split.

As for Joel’s glances the previous visit, there was no sign of them.

I was right. I imagined the whole thing. Well fuck.

Seb was right about one thing. At least Finn could have Joel in his dreams. Because that was about as close as Finn was going to get.

Chapter Nine

Finn slung his bag into the back of his truck. He was ready for a hot shower and a cold beer. Hell, he’d been ready three hours ago.

“Almost there,” Ted said as he unlocked his car, which was parked behind Finn’s.

“Almost where?”

Ted grinned. “The weekend, of course.”

Finn shook his head. “Today is Wednesday, in case you hadn’t noticed. You know, hump day?”

“No harm in looking forward to it, right? You got anything planned?”

Finn rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Laundry, groceries, cleaning…”

Ted bit his lip. “Wow. You sure know how to live.” He climbed behind the wheel and gave Finn a wave as he pulled away from the curb.

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