Finding Mr. Write (Business of Love #5) - Ali Parker Page 0,20

chance. “I’m good, babe. I’m good. Just sitting in the kitchen with my morning coffee missing you. Usually, you’d be here with me while Madison slept.”

I frowned. “I wish I could be there.”

“Tell me about New York. What’s it been like so far?”

“It’s been great,” I lied. “The city is alive and vibrant and I already made a friend.”


“Yep. His name is Wes. He’s super friendly. And he’s a writer.”

“A writer?” The skepticism in Riley’s voice was as obvious as her fatigue.

“Yeah, he bought me a drink the other night and we sat and chatted. It was nice to talk to someone after the day I’d had. Job hunting hasn’t been going as I’d hoped. It’s a bit rough out here. There’s lots of competition and everyone seems to be looking for everything I don’t have.”

Riley made a worried sound in the back of her throat. “Maybe the timing is off. Maybe this wasn’t your big shot at New York.”

“No, I don’t think it’s that. I think I just need to step up my game and use my elbows.”

“Use your elbows?”

“It’s hard to get anywhere in this place unless you’re willing to literally elbow people out of your way to get noticed or served.”

“That sounds fun.”

I chuckled. “It’s been a learning curve. That’s for sure. Back home, everyone gets out of your way and apologizes when you bump into them. That’s not the case here.” I paused as I crossed the street outside the motel. Instead of taking a right, I hooked a left, followed by a right, and I wove down narrower streets toward a part of the city I’d discovered late last night after Wes dropped me off. I’d pulled up Google maps on my phone and made a game plan about where I was going to search for work. This was the place. It was full of one-way lanes with street parking and little businesses all up and down the streets.

There were countless bookstores, hair salons, barbers, antique shops, thrift stores, a bohemian interior design store, a small local grocer, and several charming restaurants with sandwich boards out on the sidewalks.

It smelled like baked bread, clam chowder, and chocolate.

“How are things with you?” I asked, changing the subject. “Any luck finding someone else to rent out my room?”

Riley sighed. “No bites yet. Madison and I have been talking about it. To be honest, we don’t really want to replace you. We want to keep the room open. You know, just in case.”

“In case what?”

“Don’t make me say it, babe.”

I felt my eyebrows drawing together on my forehead. “In case I fail in New York and have to move home?”

Riley didn’t say anything.

“Wow, Ry,” I said, shaking my head as I skirted around a sandwich board. “That’s nice. Real nice. I appreciate the support.”

“We do support you! We just don’t want to be unprepared for the worst-case scenario, you know? Crazy things happen and if—I mean if—this doesn’t go the way you want it to, at least you’ll have a safe place to land when you come back home. We believe in you, Briar. Are you seriously questioning that?”

I licked my lips. “I guess I’m just sensitive to criticism right now. I’m sorry. Look, I’ll call you later. I’m about to pop into a place and drop off a resume.”

“Good luck.”


I dropped the call and took a moment on the sidewalk to collect my thoughts and put my game-face on. I turned my back to the street and looked up at the storefront of a used bookstore with a coffee shop attached to it. The smell of chocolate was coming from there. The windows on either side of the door were massive, and on one side, there were two tables with a bench seat against the window. On the other side was a bar-height table with stools so customers could face outward and look out onto the street. As of right now, all the seats were taken.

And there was a hiring sign taped to the door.

I gripped the strap of my purse on my shoulder. This was it. I wasn’t going to get shouldered out of the way. And I wasn’t going to be overlooked. This place looked charming and popular, the perfect place to meet people and make new friends in a new city.

I just had to get the manager to say yes to me.

I strode inside. A bell chimed above my head as I stepped in and I was hit with a wave of sweet and Copyright 2016 - 2024