Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,44

shadow moves.” She then continues and I watch as what appears to be a shadow makes its way down the hallway and into Echo’s cell. Minutes later, the cell door opens and Echo walks out, nearly hidden by the shadow that appears to have grown larger. We follow his path down the hallway and just before the door, the shadow does something and what appears to be a hole opens up. Echo and the shadow enter and the hallway is once again clear of any shadows as well as my prisoner. “Sheriff, this isn’t good. There’s some foul magic going on here,” Gaia states, her voice firm. “I need to get my stuff and see if I can repair it.” She hastens from my office and I hear words like smudge, crystals and possible council intervention.

Fuck me.


After I’m done talking to Trigger, I go back out to the living room. I’m sure they heard the conversation, or at least Dooly did, but I wanted the illusion of privacy at least. “He thinks it’s a great idea,” I tell the newly mated pair. Glancing around, I don’t see Shyla so I ask, “Have you heard from Shyla at all today?”

Glorianna nods. “She said she was stopping for a mega coffee. She’s had a rough day at work.”

“Well, once she gets here, we’ll start planning. Is there anything you don’t want? Foods, people?”

“I don’t really have much in the way of family,” Dooly says. “That’s one of the reasons I was willing to come to Mystic Island when Trigger called.”

“Don’t worry about that, I’ve got more family than I know what to do with and it’s highly overrated sometimes,” Glorianna states, giggling. “Food wise, I have a cousin who could cater it for us. Do you want her information?”

“That would be great.” I’m about to say something else when Shyla comes flying into the house, her jacket askew.

“Sorry, sorry. Little man had a rough night, followed by the workday from hell,” she expresses with a forlorn look sent in my direction.

“What was wrong with Scar last night?” I ask, immediately concerned that he’s sick and that Emmaline might eventually catch whatever he has. “He’s seemed to be fine all day,” I add, but look to her for details as he has been around Em these last several hours.

“Colic I think. At least that’s what WebMD said it was,” she replies. I grin at her response because she uses that website as though it’s a bible or something.

“I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve for colic,” Glorianna states as she picks Scar up from the playpen and begins to cuddle with him. He looks calm right now, but he hasn’t had his afternoon bottle yet. “However, as Vaughn stated, he’s been okay so far,” she muses.

“I don’t understand. He just started last night.” Shyla huffs then continues, “One minute he was fine and the next, I swear he turned into the Tasmanian devil or something. No fever or anything, but probably would’ve been important information to share this morning. It’s just, oh I don’t know, I was exhausted and already running behind. Plus, he was finally sleeping so peacefully, it sort of slipped my mind. I’m sorry everyone.”

“We’ll get him all sorted out.” Glorianna coos, “Won’t we little man?” I hear Scar make a noise and glance at him to see that he’s totally fascinated with whatever Glorianna is doing.

Wanting to soothe any anxiety Shyla might be having about being overwhelmed and a bit forgetful, I do my best. “It’s okay, Shyla. Try not to be so hard on yourself. We’re both new at being full-time parents while attempting to juggle work.” She exhales and I watch the corner of her mouth tilt upward as she silently thanks me. “So, with me working from home, why don’t you email me the files that need reports written or follow-up calls made?” I ask Shyla, changing the subject and getting back to business. “That’ll allow you to do the home visits.”

“That works,” she says, sipping her coffee.

“And I think, seeing as we have everything here under control, you should take a nap, or, better yet, just hang here this evening because we’ve got a mating party to plan.”

“A mating party? Anyone I know? Besides you and the sheriff, that is?” Shyla questions.

I nod toward Glorianna. “Seems that Dooly and Glorianna are mates.” Shyla’s high-pitched squeal has me squinching my eyes closed. She can definitely hit the high notes.

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