Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,34

I watch a longing expression cross Vaughn’s face as she leans in and caresses the baby’s face. I feel the same way; I wish we could stay here, the three of us, and just be. Unfortunately, the cases on my desk demand I focus on what’s more critical right now, and that’s finding the rogues and shutting their dastardly operation down.

“Come on, mate, we’ve got work to do,” I say, holding my hand out to Vaughn. She sighs then reluctantly grabs her purse.

“If you need me, Glorianna, I can be here in no time,” she emphatically says.

Once again, Glorianna motions for us to leave. This time, I hide my grin because Vaughn is upset about leaving and I don’t want issues on our first full day of being consummated mates.

I help her into the SUV and watch her buckle herself in before heading to the driver’s side. As I pull out of her driveway, I see Glorianna peering out the front window.

Operation Fae Babysitter is now underway.



Heading to the meeting with the elders at the precinct feels like a really bad omen, if for no other reason than the fact that I would prefer to be at my own house with Emmaline. Not that I don’t trust Glorianna and her caregiving capabilities, it’s just that I want to be the one with my new daughter, caring for her every need. Trying to get my mind away from leaving our new baby at home while going to work and enduring meetings, I look over in Trigger’s direction and smile at the memories running through my mind from last night’s phenomenal excursion. The glow that he is wearing on his face has my inner cat craving and clawing her way through me, demanding more of him.

Desiring my mate with this tremendous amount of intensity throughout the day may make it difficult to concentrate on the things happening around me. Trigger parks in his designated parking spot that is directly in front of the precinct, then walks over to my side of the truck, offering his hand in assistance as soon as the passenger door is flung open, in order to help me out. I never knew a man could be this thoughtful, considerate and kindhearted. Walking into the conference room where the meeting is taking place, I hold on to Trigger’s hand tighter. My confidence is waning and has irrevocably jumped ship, landing on another platform all together.

Introductions are quickly made, then it’s straight to the matter at hand.

“Vaughn, could you tell us everything you’ve witnessed when it comes to Emmaline and her exhibited powers?” the leader of this group, who was introduced to me as Caspen, questions me.

“Um,” I say, clearing the clog from my throat as I contemplate how much I actually want to share with these strangers. If I say the wrong thing, will they take her from me? If I don’t give them enough information, will they leave us in the wind without the answers we seek? I shift my eyes to Trigger who nods at me in encouragement. With that one look alone, I suddenly trust all of these foreign people in the room. “She’s able to telepathically speak with me. I can feel her emotions even with distance between us. It’s as if she calls to me. No matter if she’s happy or sad, I know her emotions before I lay eyes on her. She literally can call out to me wherever I am if she wants me. We have some type of bond, something I’ve never experienced with anyone in my life, besides my mate,” I quickly insert.

“Does she only share these abilities with you?” Zamora asks with a compassionate tone laced in her words that lets me know she’s someone that I can count on to have my back with Emmaline.

“I hear her as well, in my mind.” Trigger points to his temple as he shares this with the council. “It’s not to the extent as it is with Vaughn, but she makes sure you understand her wants and desires.”

We talk for what seems like hours about all the possibilities that Emmaline might be able to do with her powers once she is older. I do however, express, “I don’t want Emmaline growing up with the weight of the world on her shoulders.” I get a lot of sympathetic looks aimed at me with that statement.

There are still a lot of unanswered questions and tons of things we have absolutely no idea on. However, Copyright 2016 - 2024