Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,32

off,” I tell Vaughn, stopping long enough to place a gentle peck on her forehead before heading off to take care of my other girl. My new daughter… I’m a father! That thought just surfaced in my mind. I knew she was going to be mine, but the word father never seeped into my brain until just this moment.



As Trigger leaves to take care of Emmaline, my thoughts drift to what we just shared. My body is sated beyond anything I’ve ever imagined, yet, I’m full of unrepented energy. To think that he is all mine is unfathomable; I never expected to have a mate of his caliber. I can hear him humming to the baby so I quickly finish drying, then grab a clean T-shirt and pair of panties since the previous pair has been destroyed. Thinking of how he cut them off me has me giggling as I walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where he’s holding Emmaline while trying to warm a bottle. “Here, let me do that,” I say, taking the bottle and setting it in a pan of warming water.

“What were you laughing about?” he inquires while gently rocking our girl.

“Well, seeing as my last nightshirt and panties are damaged beyond repair, I had to grab more. I was giggling because of how you just cut them off like they were nothing.”

“You should probably remove them before we slip into bed then,” he slyly advises, winking at me. “Just leave them at the side of the bed if the baby wakes in the night if you’re worried about a newborn seeing you naked.”

I nod while pulling the bottle out of the pan then carefully test it against the inside of my wrist. Satisfied that it’s not too hot, I hand it to him then watch as he moves to the living room and sits down on the couch. Once the bottle is between her little cherub lips, the whimpering stops. “I’m going to go change the sheets,” I tell him.

“They’re just going to get messy again,” he smirkingly warns. “How many sets do you have?”

“That depends. How many times are we planning to have sex?” I joyfully ask.

“Make love, Vaughn. Mates occasionally fuck, but no matter how rambunctious we get, I’ll always be making love to you.” At his declaration, my heart swoons a little bit. “As for how many times? I don’t know just yet. It’s not something I plan out; I act on instinct and take you as the craving hits.”

The deep timbre of his voice sends a shock of need coursing through me. As much as I wish I could just drag him back to bed, Emmaline needs to be cared for now, so I’ll wait. I walk into the kitchen and call out, “I’m grabbing myself some water, would you like one?”

“Yes, thank you,” he replies gratefully. I pull two bottles from the fridge and head back into the living room to sit next to him. Untwisting the top, I raise it to his lips when he beckons, thrilled to be doing this small thing for my mate.

My mate.


I want to shout it from the rooftop except when I’m in my human form I’m afraid of heights, something my snow leopard finds hysterical. She left me stranded in a tree once when she got pissed off at something I said. Before I could get down, she had retreated to the back of my mind, leaving me naked and perched pretty much at the top of the damn thing. While I won’t kowtow to her, whenever we’re up high enough that I could get hurt if I jumped as a human, I keep my thoughts purposefully blanked.

“How did the interview go earlier?” I curiously ask. I’m unsure how much he is able to share with me but hopefully he can tell me something about the investigation.

“He provided descriptions of the two men he’s been dealing with, as well as what they arrived in every time he’s met up with them,” he replies as he expertly burps Emmaline. I giggle at the foghorn noise she makes causing him to chuckle alongside me. “For such a little thing you sure are noisy,” he tells her, kissing her forehead.

“Here, let me take her and get her changed,” I say, holding my arms wide. When he places her in them, I feel like the final piece of my life’s puzzle has snapped into place. “I can’t believe all of this.”

“What do you mean?” Copyright 2016 - 2024