Finally...My Forever - Kristi Pelton Page 0,58

about the gifts…the money or me. “What do you mean someone like me?” My lips found their way through the curls of hair, kissing the back of her head. She unrolled from the fetal position and faced me.

“You’re…you’re everything good and kind. You make me feel safe and loved.” The crack in her voice left me speechless, so I navigated the few crazy curls away from her face. “You accept me as a party of five and not just one. That’s probably the most important.”

When I released the pent-up breath, the little v formed between her eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

“I never wanted you to stay because of the money.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean…” Fuck, I didn’t know how to word it. “I didn’t want you to fall for the things I had…or have or the things I pay for. Does that make sense?”

She nodded. “Honestly, the money piece just irritates me because I’m not the sort of girl that can be bought. Don’t misunderstand. I don’t think that’s what you’re doing, Austin.” She spoke so softly; it was hard to hear her. “But I don’t want you to think that I can’t take care of my family. I can. But I also don’t know how to ever repay you or let you know how grateful I am. I don’t have the words.”

“If you zip it, you don’t have to find the words.” I made sure she could hear the laughter in my tone. There was that nose scrunch.

“You basically just told me to shut up,” she giggled.

“I’m sorry. What I meant to say is if you shut the fuck up, you won’t need to find any words. You can just turn around, cuddle up next to me, let me hold you and stay in my bed forever.”

The dark eyes that I knew to be green, danced around before she blinked, bringing a more serious gaze.

“Don’t lie to me or keep things from me anymore, ok?” she implored.

The words she spoke were as good as her waving a white forgiveness flag. My heart joyously flipped in my chest. I was fucked. It was too late to reverse. My heart was too far gone. I was like the damn Titanic going full speed ahead, hoping not to hit the iceberg of secrets I still hid.

Chapter 15


First Comes Love…Then Comes a Break-up

CHRISTMAS IN TEXAS was never the most festive. Sixty degrees. Rarely snow. Full sun. However, the Christmas tree in the apartment, decorated with all the homemade ornaments, brought the Christmas spirit in full force. The kids’ hands and feet made into reindeer. Pictures with Playdoh wreaths. Every single recollection of school-made treats seared in my memory. Proud moments over the last few years of getting them as gifts. The colorful lights all worked when we plugged them in, which was a first. Cheers came from everyone, including Austin.

Sloan sat cuddled up with Nick’s brother, Jalen, on the corner of the sofa, lost in their teenage idea of love. While I wasn’t exactly thrilled about their relationship, my choice was to either fight her seeing him and push her away or keep them both as close as I could. Sloan tolerated Austin much better after he’d taken such great care of me. Jalen didn’t speak to him and frankly, I didn’t care. He could fuck right on off with Nick, but I was cordial because of Sloan.

Hannah came through the kitchen door, clapping. “Time to frost cookies.” She’d become a second mom to them, and I so enjoyed the help. We’d all made sugar cookies earlier and we decorated the tree while she whipped up the frosting. Claire squealed while Austin spun her through the air on the way to the kitchen. Hannah had a fun idea to make letters so everyone could frost their own name. Colorful sprinkles, tons of candies, candy canes, peppermints, red m&m’s…the kids ate more than they stuck on the cookies.

Claire sang the cutest rendition of ‘Woodolph the Wed nosed Weindeer,” all the while Austin fought to keep a straight face as he sang along. It amazed me that he continued on this ridiculous ride of life with me. Having him by my side was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Boy did that thought seem cliché. Cliché or not, it was so damn true.

The doorbell rang. Jake shoved his mouth full of red hots, then bee-lined it for the front door. Austin held a candy cane up to my lips, and I bit a piece off. Copyright 2016 - 2024