Finally...My Forever - Kristi Pelton Page 0,23

there. Is that understood?”

Our eyes locked as I nodded.

“Phoebe, I am a man of my word. As long as you are with me, you don’t have to worry about me leaving. Got it?”


“Perfect. It’s settled. Now, pull out your phone and let’s facetime the kids to show them how beautiful this place is.”

Immediately and with the biggest smile of the day, I dialed the number and held the phone where Austin and I were both on the screen. The minute they answered, I gasped at their happy faces. God, I missed them.

After riding in the car for a while, I grew tired but didn’t want to fall asleep even for a second.

“Twenty questions?” I asked.

“Fire away,” Austin yawned.

“Ok.” I rubbed my hands together in thought. “If you could have one, what would you choose. Time or money.”

“Time. No doubt.”

“Says the man driving the Tesla,” I laughed. “Money all the way. The only real negative in my life comes from struggling financially,” I said, shaking my head. “Your turn.”

“Alright, um, want world peace or cure world hunger?”

“Damn, Austin. That went deep fast!” I slugged him in the shoulder. “I suppose if no one is hungry then things would be more peaceful.” I shrugged. “Being hungry isn’t fun.” I winced, knowing I shouldn’t have said that. I quickly added, “Would you rather be sticky or itchy?”

“Neither,” he chuckled.

“You have to pick.”

“Itchy. No, sticky. Eww. Neither. Ok, lick a toilet seat or stick your tongue up a nostril.”

My hands shot up. “You thought itchy or sticky were eww? Stick my tongue up a nostril? Yuck. I can think of other places I’d like my tongue to be,” I giggled, flirting, thinking of a kiss. When his eyes flashed over to mine, my cheeks heated. “Sorry. That’s a gross one. Um, favorite pie?”

“Please don’t say sorry. I’d say apple. You?”


He yawned. “Boxers or briefs?”

Twisting my mouth to the side like I was thinking, I said, “As long as it’s not a speedo, boxer briefs or boxers, both are acceptable. Favorite season?”

Happiness touched his features. “There is nothing like a summer in Cannon. You?”

“Probably winter in Texas. Summer is so hot.”

“I can’t wait for you to see Cannon.”

“I can’t wait either.”

“Favorite memory?” he asked.

“All of this. Every minute. I never dreamed I’d see this…all of this.” Goose bumps broke out over my skin and I shivered.

That damn smile, that touched every part of my soul and most other parts of my body too, spread from cheek to cheek on his handsome face. My words made him happy.

“You?” I asked. “What’s yours?”

“I don’t know that I have one.”

“Austin, you have to have one.”

Shaking his head from side to side, he said, “Nope. I don’t have one.”

“That’s because you have a lifetime of memories.” I smiled a little jealous of the things he’d seen or done.

Slowly, he reached over and took my hand in his. Second time today. “I don’t disagree. I’ve been blessed beyond measure. Phoebe, it thrills me to know this is your best memory.”

The chocolate in his eyes softened before they drifted back to the road. I gently freed my hand, not wanting him to hold it out of obligation to make me feel better about the life I’d lived. I’d come to grips with it long ago. Feeling awkward dropping his hand, I strained a sideways look to see his Adam’s apple jut out and back in. I never wanted to hurt him. He’d changed my life and I felt like I owed him mine.


Salt Lake City was beautiful, but tonight I found a hotel outside of the city. I hoped her picture with the Welcome to Utah sign was sufficient. Phoebe had stayed awake the entire day and watched every single mile of land pass by, thoroughly taking the beauty in and helping me see things in an entirely new and fresh way. Her twenty questions game was perfect until I took hold of her damn hand and she swiftly drew the line in the sand as she tugged it away.

“Aren’t you glad we didn’t fly?” she asked. “This land is so pretty.”

God, I wished we would have flown but that’s only because my damn legs ached from driving for days. Yet, seeing all of this through her eyes was the absolute best treat.

The suite not only had two queen beds but a plush sofa bed as well, which would put me in an entirely different room than Phoebe. That wasn’t a bad idea. Holding her against my chest back in Colorado Copyright 2016 - 2024