Finally (Neighbor from Hell #12) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,52

Abbi said as she gestured towards the woman that barely spared him a glance to follow her to the kitchen.

With a mumbled, “I’ll be right back,” to him, Abbi headed into the kitchen to show them to their seats, leaving him sitting there, debating his next move.

Maybe he should run out and get her flowers, Devin thought as he absently drummed his fingertips against the table as he waited for Abbi to come back. He should see if his mother could babysit, Devin decided. He pulled out his phone and started to text his mother only to rethink the move since his mother would only end up wondering why he needed a babysitter on a Friday night.

Hoping that Jane was available, Devin texted the college kid that lived down the street to see if she was available this Friday. A few minutes later, Devin was trying to decide where he should bring Charlie when he realized that his baby girl hadn’t come back yet. Wondering if she’d grown bored playing restaurant, Devin headed for the kitchen and-

“Oh, my god…” he choked out when he opened the kitchen door.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t be in here. This is a private event,” Abbi said with a pitying look as she dropped the muffin that she’d been nibbling on back on her plate and walked over to usher Devin out of the kitchen.

“You said there were no pancakes,” he bit out as he took in the platter of pancakes, French toast, eggs, hash browns, bacon, and all the other shit the little traitor said they were out of.

“I’m really sorry about this,” Abbi said, sending an apologetic smile to Charlie and Dustin as they helped themselves to all the delicious food that he’d been denied.

“No need to apologize,” Charlie said, waving it off as he stood there, watching as his son took the last piece of bacon and-

“That’s it,” Devin said, shaking his head in disgust as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “I’m leaving a bad review for this place.”

“Would you like to speak with the manager?” Abbi asked with a put-out sigh that he did not appreciate, not one fucking bit!

“Yes, yes, I would like to speak with the manager,” he said, opening up Facebook only to end up glaring at the little traitor when she said, “I’m sorry, but he’s not here right now. I can take a message if you’d like to speak with him later.”

Feeling his right eye twitch, Devin narrowed his eyes on his baby girl one last time before focusing on Facebook and-

“What the hell?” he demanded, shaking his head in disbelief as he clicked on the post that Charlie tagged him in.

She’d fucking review-blocked his ass!

“You gave her a five-star review?” Devin demanded as he leveled an accusing glare at the woman that should have taken his side on this.

“Of course,” Charlie said as she took a sip of chocolate milk, the same fucking chocolate milk that he’d been told that they were out of.

Another chime drew his attention back down to his phone and-

“You put in your review to ignore my review because I’m too damn demanding?” he snapped.

“I mean, you really didn’t leave me with much of a choice,” Charlie said with a sad shake of her head as she helped herself to another pancake.

Narrowing his eyes on the woman that he loved more than anything, Devin shoved his phone back in his pocket, stormed over to the table, snatched the muffin that Abbi abandoned before he stole Charlie’s plate and the bacon off Dustin’s plate before he turned around and stormed off as he bit out, “This is the worst service I have ever had!”

Chapter 25

“Why is Daddy glaring at you?”

“Because he wishes he was as cool as we are,” Charlie said with a sad shake of her head, not bothering to look up from the marketing book that she was reading on her phone.

“That does make sense,” Dustin said as he selected another book off the coffee table before settling back next to her.

“Doesn’t it, though?” she murmured absently as she tapped the screen so that she could see what time it was.

She should really get to bed early, but she wanted to give the man that had been glaring at her all day a chance to ask her out. It was the considerate thing to do after all, Charlie thought as she risked a glance towards the other end of the couch to find Devin sitting there, seething Copyright 2016 - 2024