Finally Found - By Nicole Andrews Moore Page 0,9

took a deep breath as he prepared to reveal the events that had transpired. It was nice talking to someone he really had no true interest in. There was no guile. There were no games. There was only…the truth. He smirked. How unusual. “So, my brother is under the impression that I am handicapable…as a result of the hit and run that landed me in a coma and broke my legs.” He danced around a little. “As you can see, that isn’t the case. I’m good.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “And then he went and hired me a home health nurse. Only she isn’t even qualified to be a home health nurse. She is just…” He shivered a long full body shiver.

“Why would he think you need a nurse?” She asked, her eyes narrowed.

Scratching his head, Adam colored slightly. “I’m thinking it’s because I may have been milking the injury for attention.” He suddenly straightened. “But I’m fine…”

Before he could complete his thought, Cammie interrupted again. “And since when does a voluptuous woman leave you to have full-body shivers. I saw that nurse.”

“Apparently she’s more of a medical assistant at the moment. All I know is…she’s not for me.” He shook his head emphatically. And he truly meant it.

“Oh, are you suddenly so evolved?” She asked sarcastically. “And what do you want from me? It’s obvious you are suddenly pestering me for something. Quit beating around the bush. Get to the point. Out with it. What. Do. You. Want?”

A genuine smile broke out on his face. This woman was incredible. She didn’t play. He really respected that…as much as he respected any woman. “A ride.” He shrugged. “I want a ride.”

“You want a ride,” she repeated, dead pan. “You have an incredible car…” She glanced around the parking garage. “Hey, didn’t you have the black Mercedes sport’s coupe with the ADAMS TOY license plates?” She looked around conspicuously. “I could have sworn…”

“Ah ha!” He threw his hands in the air. “My brother seems to have absconded my ride. And since Haley would never agree to such a move, I’m guessing he tricked her, too. So, you see…I really do need a ride. I need to get out of here, away from the so-called medical assistant, away from my less than understanding brother. If they are kicking me out of their love nest, then I want to pick my next nest. And I’m thinking…not here.”

He didn’t want to reveal the destination until he had her on the hook. If he told her too soon where they were going, he would have to deal with questions, potential refusal, and the likelihood that she would then tattle should his brother call upon her. Sam was, after all, the one who paid her bill tonight. He stood and watched. He waited. He could see that she was possibly considering it. He merely needed to sweeten the deal.

“At the risk of sounding a bit mercenary, what’s in this for me?” She raised an eyebrow as she had raised the stakes.

He leaned in and smiled his most charming smile. “The pleasure of my company?” He placed two hands on her bare shoulders. It was chilly in the parking garage and she didn’t have anything on over that bustier. She was a bit chilly to the touch. “Hey.” He pulled off his jacket and wrapped it around her without thinking, without asking. It was pure instinct. And yet he had never done such a thing before. He frowned at that realization.

Cammie studied him. One minute he was trying to charm her, the next minute he was dropping the façade and being incredibly genuine and sweet. She shook her head. Man, this guy was a ball of contradictions.

“No?” He looked bewildered.

“Why not just rent a car? Why not just stay here until morning and then examine your options in the light of day? Why not ask a friend?” She watched as he winced. “Surely you have friends. You always hung out with a big rowdy group of them.”

He took a step back and leaned against the cement piling. “You would think, right? I was never at a loss for company. Well, it’s funny how being in a coma can put life in perspective.” He sighed. “As it turns out, I have no friends. And I currently have no wallet. My brother, in his infinite wisdom, seems to have absconded that, too. That’s my sad tale.”

“So where the hell do you think I’m going to drive Copyright 2016 - 2024