Finally Found - By Nicole Andrews Moore Page 0,82

sounded and the room grew silent once more. “Since I’m clearly feeling chatty,” he began in a loud voice, “I thought I should give my toast.” He turned to face Sam and Haley. “Here’s to my brother who taught me that love is worth the risk and his beautiful bride, Haley, who showed me that love transforms. May you always be as happy together as you are in this moment.” He raised his glass and all the guests followed suit.

Once the toast was completed, he gave Haley a hug, shook Sam’s hand and headed out the door. He knew they were looking after him, frowning. He hoped they wouldn’t do anything so crazy as to try to talk sense to Cammie. Then he realized that at the moment, it really didn’t matter. He never wanted to feel like this again.

He never came back. Cammie did her best to remain focused throughout the rest of the party. She made sure that everyone had a good time…everyone but her. There was no happiness or joy left in this event. She had lost it the moment she fought with Adam. Why had she even done that? She didn’t have to dig terribly deeply for the answer to that question. It was Cin. When she thought about Cin over there watching them, her heart broke for her sister. She felt like the worst kind of traitor. So she hurt Adam for Cin. In doing so, her own heart was breaking. He loves her. Or maybe now he loved her, past tense. Speaking of tense…that exchange between Cin and Adam was odd. She had watched without appearing to do so. Cin was completely uncomfortable, not behaving at all like the wounded animal Cammie would have expected. As for Adam, he was the one acting like the injured party. None of it made any sense. Cin had scooted out of there just as soon as she had finished her shift and her clean up. Cammie wasn’t worried. They could talk tomorrow, at another one of those damn family dinners. She would get her answers.

There was nothing left to do but speak to Sam and Haley about their impressions before she left for the night. This part she was actually dreading. By all accounts, Sam and Adam were closer now than they had ever been. She would be seen as the evil bitch that broke his brother’s heart…if Adam’s declaration of love could even be trusted.

“So, we leave for the wedding in two weeks,” Cammie began. “Is there anything you want to add or change?”

Sam spoke first, “I want you to hear Adam out. I want you to listen to him. He’s in love with you.” He looked sad. Haley put her hand on his arm to stop him from saying anything else.

“There are things that you don’t understand,” Cammie began quietly.

“Well, there are more things that you didn’t give him a chance to explain.” Sam growled. “You entire premise is wrong and you won’t even listen!” He was frustrated and protective of his brother.

“There’s really nothing anything for him to say that will change things.” Cammie shrugged.

Finally, Haley spoke. “Adam never slept with Cin. He was trying to tell you that. If you don’t want to hear it from him, ask your sister. And if you are going to be angry with someone, be angry with her for taking away your chance at true love and indescribable happiness. These Davenport men know how to love. You’d be a fool to mess that up.” She smiled gently at Cammie. “And you don’t strike me as a fool. Fix this.”

Those words kept resonating in her head. Fix this. She didn’t know how to. She didn’t know where he was or when he was coming back. She had publicly humiliated him. Her head dropped. One of them was lying…her sister or Adam. The more she considered it, the more she came to one conclusion. It didn’t matter. Even if Adam had slept with her sister, that happened years ago. People make mistakes. She seemed to be making one after another these days. If it was Cin’s mistake, didn’t she deserve forgiveness, too? She was 18 years old at the time. Young and dumb. Boy crazy.

Packing up the car, she felt the tears leaking down her face. Life shouldn’t be so complicated. Love shouldn’t be so hard.

Cin skipped dinner. That should have been her first clue. Cin wouldn’t return her calls. That was a close second. Finally, she gave up Copyright 2016 - 2024