Finally Found - By Nicole Andrews Moore Page 0,73


She dove deeper and tightened her grip around the base of his cock. God help him, he couldn’t hold back. Before he knew it, before he could stop and yank her mouth off of him, he was letting out this guttural groan and shooting his load in her mouth. He was almost afraid of her reaction, but he had to know. When he looked down, he saw she was smiling. She had swallowed it. “What?” He could barely breathe, let alone talk.

“I just wanted to say thank you. You kept your word. I love that. It helps me trust you.” She hopped out of bed and grabbed a pair of yoga pants from her bag, threw on a shirt, and started to walk from the room. Then she leaned in, looked him in the eye and said seriously, “And I really want to trust you.”

It took him some time to recover from that. It took him his shower, his walk to the bagel shop and back to even begin to process it. First time out of the gate, first time he considered looking for love, had he really found it that easily with someone so incredible? She was damn near perfect. Saying that made him catalog her flaws, the moodiness, the argumentative nature, but even those made him laugh. He loved her fire, her drive, her determination. Hell, he might just love her.

While Adam was out getting them breakfast, Cammie wondered over what had made her behave as she had. There was something about him. She did things she had never done before, not under duress, but because she genuinely wanted to. Was it the crush she had had on him so many years ago rearing its ugly head again? Was it some dark deep seeded desire to best her sister, to be the big big winner just once in her life? She couldn’t be certain. She just knew that she had given him a blowjob and that really said something. She even swallowed. That should say it all. For some reason, after he had taken such good care of her the night before and asked for nothing in return other than to be able to hold her, it touched her in ways that were beautiful and unexpected.

His fame was so widespread that she knew…she just knew he had never done this with anyone before. She loved that he had picked her to be his first overnight guest. She loved that he didn’t do it based on sex because she had already made it abundantly clear that there would be none. More than that, even though she had woken up horny as hell from all that closeness and kindness and selflessness…she had decided to be selfless in return. There would be plenty of time for her to get hers. For some reason, she actually believed that they might be able to make this work. There was something special about the way they challenged each other. More than she expected, far more than she wanted, Cammie had decided to see how far this could go. She had to know. She was dying to experience it.

Some time late in the afternoon, they had managed to prep everything for the party. Adam had offered once more to drive and surprisingly enough, this time she had agreed. It was after all, his family hosting the party and his early presence would be expected and acceptable. So, they drove to the building that was home to the Davenport Advertising Agency. They carried everything up to the top floor and made their way to the executive wing. There were building maintenance men at the ready to help her hang decorations as needed. Set up tables where she requested, and make the experience as beautiful and memorable as everyone deserved.

After seeing that she had everything under control, Adam bowed out. “I’ll be in my office if you need anything,” he told her. “Or call me and I’ll come running.” He had glanced about the room and when he was confident no one was paying attention, he had bent to quickly kiss the very tip of her nose. For some reason, with her, that had become his thing. While the first few times he had done it she hadn’t shown a reaction, this afternoon, she smiled. Her cheeks flushed, and her amazing blue eyes seemed to sparkle just a little bit brighter. It warmed him to think he had made her look like that.

Once he was in his Copyright 2016 - 2024