Finally Found - By Nicole Andrews Moore Page 0,6

a better man. He was ready. This was what he wanted. He looked at the nurse again.

“My name is Kiki. I am more of a medical assistant. I’m working on my nursing degree. And they told me that really, you needed help more than you needed a genuine nurse.” She glanced back and forth between the brothers. “I’m confused.”

Adam stood. “I bet you are. It was nice meeting you, Kiki. I won’t be in need of your services. You are free to go. Here, have a cupcake.” He passed her a cupcake from the stand next to the table. He leaned over and gave her a light kiss on the cheek because it seemed like the polite thing to do and it always seemed to make the breakups go more smoothly. Then he walked off, walked to his bedroom to collect himself. Once inside the room, he shut the door. He leaned heavily against it.

He didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t the destructive kind. He didn’t break things. He wasn’t a girl so he wouldn’t be crying. It finally came to him. He needed a drive. A nice drive would clear his head. He could never be wholly rude. He wouldn’t storm out of his own party. He would bide his time. He would wait. And when they were all gone…it would be time for a nice long drive.

From her vantage point behind the bar, Cammie could see everything. She saw the discussion. She saw the introduction. And somehow, after watching him in action for years, her only surprise was that he went to his bedroom alone. Maybe the girl was going to meet him in there at a predetermined time. Yet, when he turned to close the doors, she realized that he looked upset, had been ever since he walked away from her. She couldn’t help but feel responsible. It seemed she had hurt his feelings. Sighing she made a mental note to remedy that after the party. Though she had no desire to be a part of her parents’ birthday party business any longer, she wasn’t going to ruin it for them, either.

After splashing water on his face and pasting on his charming Adam face, he left the room to rejoin the party. He made a huge effort to be nice to everyone, to mingle to greet everyone. The only thought that kept him focused and helped him through the remainder of the party was the excitement of driving into dawn. He would drive to the Hamptons. They had a summer home there. Well, his parents did. Neither of them had spent much time there of late, but he somehow figured that as soon as the weather turned, Sam and Haley would. He imagined a morning spent walking the coast and sniffing the crisp ocean air. That helped.

It also helped that the booze ran out an hour later. When that handy bit of information was passed around, soon enough people started clearing out and heading to the nearest club. They were already dressed for it. Once the domino effect had begun people would come over, shake his hand and say their goodbyes. They would half-heartedly ask him to join them, but he would simply pat his leg and claim he didn’t want to slow them down. “No, you go. Some other time.” And he would clap them on the shoulder, shake their hands, plant a kiss on every woman’s cheek, until at last, the only people remaining were Sam, Haley, Kiki, and the party staff.

After Kiki had gone into the guest bedroom to unpack, he looked at Sam, seated next to Haley on the couch, channeling his inner Cheshire cat. “You are pretty pleased with yourself, aren’t you?” He asked Sam. And though his brother was quick to wipe that self-satisfied look from his face, he wasn’t quick enough.

Even Haley had caught it. “Samuel Davenport,” she said with an annoyed edge to her voice. “What’s going on?” She studied Adam. “Are you ready to be back on your own, Adam? You can come home with us. We have plenty of room for you. I don’t want you to feel rushed…” Her voice trailed off. She looked at Sam who wore a horrified look and jabbed him hard in the ribs with her boney elbow.

“Yes, yes,” Sam began. “Come home with us, bring Kiki! The more the merrier.” He looked down at Haley, “Is that better? Is that what you wanted me to say?” He stood. “The more Copyright 2016 - 2024