Finally Found - By Nicole Andrews Moore Page 0,57

an egg because of you and my business is ruined, then what will I do?” She rubbed the spot around her hairline where their heads had met.

Reaching out, Adam tried to feel for any indication of swelling. Finding nothing he decided to proclaim his findings. “You’re fine! And if your business is ruined, you can come live with me. I have a spare room.”

“I thought Kiki was in your spare room.” She smirked.

“Oh, she’s long gone. Don’t you worry. And hey…I’ll even install bunk beds to make you feel more at home.” He offered her a genuine smile.

“Wow, your spare room? Really? You spoil me.” She leaned in seductively for a moment, her lips so close they were almost touching his. “What if I wanted to stay somewhere else?” She winked.

His heart started pounding rapidly in his chest. He needed to hear her say it. “Where would you like to stay? Because you can stay…anywhere you want.” He gave her a reassuring smile.

“Great…because I could really use your kitchen.” She smiled patiently at him.

He let out a sigh. “What?”

“You saw my place. How the hell am I supposed to build a catering business with no kitchen. Could I impose? I’ll make it worth it…” She batted her eyelashes at him playfully.

In that moment he would have given her anything she wanted. ANYTHING. All she wanted was his kitchen. He sighed. This woman was absolutely exasperating. He had never sighed so much in his life. Still, though hope was quickly fading…she had offered to sweeten the deal. Dare he hope? He leaned in and pasted a smile on his face. “How do you propose to do that?” He asked.

“Well, I have a tendency to overcook. So, I’ll need you to be my official taster. And I’ll give you loads of food…” She was looking at him so seriously that he knew he had to say something.

“Well, if you have a gig tomorrow night, and you need my kitchen I think you probably need me to come home with you. He stood, looking down at her.

“Fine,” she said with a shrug. Just be ready to leave at 8am. I need to get to the market early.” With that proclamation, she stood and headed back into his old room.

A thought occurred to him. He stood and followed her into the room, catching the door before she could shut it behind her. She looked at him ready to protest or object or even question his presence, but he said simply, “This is my insurance so I know you won’t leave me. You can take top.”

He could just feel that she wanted to say something, wanted to protest, but he was standing firm. She couldn’t run everything. Yet from the way she had handled everything to date, he knew she could. Worse, he knew that whether she realized it or not, she was running him, too.

“I won’t leave you,” she muttered under her breath.

“I heard that,” he said calmly. “And while I would love to believe you, I can’t. After all, you were the one who admitted there is no trust here.” He marched over to the bathroom door to finish getting ready for bed. Before closing it behind him, he shot her one last annoyed look. Though he couldn’t say with absolute certainty, he was confident that he had just heard her say…touché.

Cammie woke him bright and early by puttering around the room, gathering her belongings, and heading into the shower. Adam needed a shower, too. If he had his way, if things were different between them, he’d be in there with her. He could almost picture it, how he’d stand behind her and kiss down the back of her long slender neck. He’d turn her to face him, nip at those perfect lobes of hers, and bury his face in that sexy hollow. By then his hands would have slid up to cup her perfect full breasts. His thumbs would be flicking her nipples and he knew just how she’d respond. By the time he entered her, she’d be all wet and hot and ready for him. Great. Now his morning wood was really wood. Soon enough, she’d see it. Think. Concentrate. Who is the ugliest girl he’d ever slept with? He smiled. There were never any ugly girls. He left before the liquor goggles could wear off. He had never suffered from the coyote ugly affliction of some of his peers. He chuckled at his own cleverness and relaxed. That helped. Then Copyright 2016 - 2024