Finally Found - By Nicole Andrews Moore Page 0,50

This is what I do,” Cammie replied without apology.

Adam simply beamed. How refreshing. How different from what he was used to. How real. How perfect.

When they made it back to the house that night, Abby was ready to sleep for the night and the adults were ready for some quiet time in front of the fireplace. They were all snuggled together on the loveseats and in chairs while sipping a nice Moscato. It was getting later. The other couples had already headed to bed although not necessarily to sleep and talk of the cocktail party being held there the next day had begun.

“How do you think we should set up?” Adam asked Cammie.

“Well, my suggestion would be that since people always seem to want to hang out on the sides of the rooms that we either give them a reason to come to the center of the room, like chaffing dishes and food, or we set the food all around the outsides and force them to be in the center more. It’s all about what you want to do.” She proceeded to tap on her front teeth.

“Is there anything you need from me?” Adam asked; genuinely interested in helping.

“Nah, I should have it covered, other than that, I just may need help with tables.” She smiled at him, but he could tell her mind was elsewhere.

“What are you thinking?” He asked seriously. “You seem lost in thought. I really wanted to enjoy some time with you, since we’ve had some issues…pretty much since we’ve started talking at my birthday.” He chuckled, realizing how crazy all of that sounded.

She smiled up at him from her reclined position on the loveseat. “Then we probably should stop talking.”

His face grew serious. What was she suggesting?

“Ready for bed?” She asked as she stood.

Shaking his head, he responded, “I’m really not tired yet.”

Already, she had started making her way toward the hall. “Who said anything about being tired? I’m pretty sure I can help you get tired.”

Suddenly a smile spread across his face. He wanted to question it. He wanted to know why she wanted him tonight, but hadn’t the other night. He wanted to understand so that if it was something he did or said he could keep…doing and saying it. Only he was afraid to talk. His words always seemed to get in the way. The last time she had shown up in his room, he had been certain that they were going to stay in that bed together all night. He would have bet money on it. Then, sure enough, he opened his big mouth and asked for a trust he obviously didn’t deserve and then the moment was lost. He wouldn’t make that mistake again.

That’s why he followed her dutifully down the hall. That’s why he took every cue she gave him. He went in his own door. He watched for the light to come on in the jack and jill bath. He waited until she opened the door and gestured for him to come through, to come to her. She had changed into sleep pants and a tight shirt. He could see her nipples through it, poking straight out.

That’s when he broke down. He opened his mouth. “This bed is bigger,” he said, gesturing to Sam’s old queen size bed.

“Who said anything about a bed?” She asked, smiling almost wickedly.

His eyes grew wide. Cammie was constantly full of surprises. She helped him strip. It was just as well. He was shaking and fumbling, since he was so excited. Finally, she just pushed his hands out the way and did everything. The sweater was pushed over his head. She was so thorough that she even managed to get the shirt underneath to come off at the same time without even getting tangled up on his head. Damn, she was a pro. He wanted to ask her number. It just popped into his mind. She was so…experienced. So adept at what she was doing…he really wanted to know. A quick vision of that conversation played out in his mind and he managed to resist before he was left to handle his own business.

There were times his way right away was nice. He had been months without sex with another person. And as soon as he had been well enough, moved to Sam’s, he had taken matters into his own hands. He hadn’t had to do that since he was a teen, since before he had sex with another person, but it was Copyright 2016 - 2024