Finally Found - By Nicole Andrews Moore Page 0,35

had never been the marrying kind in the past and there was little chance that he would be ready first time out of the gate. Keep the peace. That was the goal. Keep things pleasant. See what the rest of the week had in store.

Dinner was quiet. Soon he realized that it would be quiet as long as he allowed. There was a decision to be made. One of them had to break the ice. In his case, he had to break the ice queen. She hadn’t spoken more than three words since their interaction in the kitchen. He had watched her and she seemed lost in thought.

“So, we are already getting responses to the evite. It has been overwhelmingly positive. Everyone is talking about what a wonderful idea it is to hold a cocktail party to kick off the holiday season. You’ll be meeting some of the guests at the tree lighting. It should be a good night,” he commented.

“Yes, I think so, too,” she said as she picked at the risotto.

“Dinner is really tasty. This is restaurant quality food. No wonder you want to be a caterer.” He studied her. She was staring off into the fire.

Talking about business hadn’t worked. Complimenting her hadn’t worked. He was fast running out of options.

“Cammie, what is it? How have I pissed you off now?” He sighed and laid his fork on the side of his plate.

“I snapped at you,” she said seriously. “I hate apologizing. I hate being wrong. I hate making mistakes. You absolutely bring out the worst in me.” She sighed heavily. Copying him, she laid her fork down beside her plate and leaned back.

While he watched her, he realized how difficult it must have been for her to admit all of that. “So what?” She stiffened and he realized that she had taken even those words wrong. “Not your feelings. I’m sorry that you are feeling embarrassed at your reaction. Can I let you in on a little secret?” He leaned in and gestured for her to do the same. It looked like she was trying not to smile as she leaned in, too. “I don’t bring out the worst in you.”

Her eyebrow arched. “You don’t, huh?”

“Nope. I bring out the real in you.” He leaned back and smiled warmly as he laid his arms on the arms of the chair. “For someone who is used to putting up a façade, for someone who is used to setting her feelings aside and trying to be what someone else wants her to be, rel can be frightening, completely unsettling, and seriously challenging.” He shook his head. “Sorry, doll. I bring out the best in you. I love you all fiery.”

She chuckled. “My parents named me Chamomile. Cammie is my nickname. I was the baby who never cried after birth. I slept through the night instantly. I was, by all reports, a joy to have around.”

“I find that hard to believe,” he said with a smirk.

“My parents often claimed that if my sister had been born first, I never would have happened. According to their recollections of that time period, she was miserable…colic for hours every night for months. We were only fourteen months apart. They claimed that was further proof that I let them alone.” She laughed some. “I’m not sure what I was getting at there. Why did I bring that up?” She tapped the table for a moment. “Ah, yes. I’m supposed to be all soothing and peaceful, but never around you.”

“There’s nothing wrong with these emotions. You remind me of my brother. You are the older sibling, right? He is so serious, so refined. How Haley ever fell for him is beyond me.” He knew that he probably wore a far off look. It always happened when he thought.

“You like her, don’t you?” Cammie seemed surprised.

“Yeah. She is pretty special. They are lucky to have each other.” He looked at her seriously. “And I’m lucky to have you. The meals alone are worth the aggravation of dealing with your ever fluctuating moods.”

He worried for a moment that he had gone too far. Instead, she chuckled. That was what he hoped for. The tension was broken.

Though they didn’t fall into bed together at the end of the night as he might have hoped, they were in a much better place. They were nearly friendly. That was a start. A strong start.

Every time that Cammie checked the phone on the nightstand she was disappointed with how slowly Copyright 2016 - 2024