Finally Found - By Nicole Andrews Moore Page 0,21

of age and was labeled as a rich eligible bachelor.

The footsteps came slowly. He heard them, the pitter patter of her tiny feet. He could practically hear the wheels turning as she thought about all the possibility. “Maybe I have just a few minutes to discuss this deal of yours. What do you have in mind?”

He smiled, but not too big. He couldn’t smile like he had won. He had to smile like he was thrilled that she was giving him a chance. That was the one. So he smiled, warmly, sincerely, and made sure that the smug look was far from his face.

It made perfect sense. The more he thought about it, the more logical it became. This would be a much better situation than the one his brother had intended with Kiki. Now he just had to convince her that this was mutually beneficial.

“Don’t keep me in suspense,” she said sarcastically while sitting back down across from him.

“Okay, here’s the deal. We know I don’t want that nurse, nor do I need her. I could probably convince Sam to fire her if he knew that I wasn’t alone, that I was with…you.” He started to open his mouth to continue that thought when she interrupted.

“Yes, I can see how this would benefit you, but let’s get back to the part about how it benefits me?” She smirked. “At the risk of sounding completely mercenary, or course, I have to consider all this. It’s not as though I have a lot of pocket change. I think I mentioned that I’m trying to start a business and you mentioned something about a free ad campaign…”

He sighed loudly. “I was getting to that. If you would just shut up long enough, I might be able to complete a thought and explain where I’m going with that. Do you think you can listen long enough? Hmmm?”

Adam stared her down. He waited for her to accept the initial terms or he would never get to the big ones that really mattered. “Okay,” she acquiesced. “I’ll be quiet. You have…” she glanced at the phone, “seven minutes. Think that will be enough?”

“Depends. Does it start before or after you finish talking?” He gave her an annoyed look.

She laughed. “And…go!”

“I know that you are starting a new company. I know this means a lot to you. And you know that I have the ability to make it wildly successful.” He watched her for a reaction. While her mouth gave away nothing, those incredible eyes of hers spoke volumes. They were sparkling, belying her true interest in what he was about to explain. “I would love to begin by offering that I create an advertising campaign for you. You would get my services for free.”

“Are you any good?”

“Has it been seven minutes already?” He crossed his arms over his chest and sat back silently, determined not to speak again until she had stopped. Though he couldn’t be certain, he knew his history, and he could out stubborn and outsmart practically anyone. Case in point, he was in the Hamptons instead of stuck in the city, shut in at his loft as Sam intended.

“Fine, I’m sorry.”

He could tell she spoke those words grudgingly. He suspected that she wasn’t in the habit of apologizing, that she was not in the habit of making mistakes, or at least being called out on them. He smirked at the thought that he brought out the dark side of her supposedly light personality.

“Now, here’s the thing. In addition, I’d like to even get you some business. I’d like to see that you have some testimonials. This is the perfect time of year for it. As you well know, I have tons of…acquaintances…that entertain regularly. Certainly some of them will be looking for catering over the next few weeks. By the end of the holiday season, I could have you up and running, looking like a premier catering company in this vast city. And you know it.” He leaned in, challenging her to find a flaw with his plan. He had years of practice in arguing his case and anticipating the arguments he would be presented with. His mother had often said that if this whole advertising thing didn’t work out and he ever felt like applying himself, he might want to consider being a lawyer. However, since he was a barely an advertising executive, he decided to stick with the sure money. He was the only one in the family likely to Copyright 2016 - 2024