Finally Found - By Nicole Andrews Moore Page 0,15

into his hand and popped them into his mouth. “You know…I’m sorry about that lesbian comment.” He looked up and watched as she paused. “For the record…I have kissed a lesbian before. She liked it so much that she had sex with me.”

“Oh my God! You are so damn annoying! She wasn’t a lesbian. She played you. The entire definition of a lesbian is that they don’t sleep with men. I bet she was just having an ugly day and used you for validation.” She picked up the pace.

“Look at you! You are just dying to get me inside, aren’t you?” He chuckled.

“I’ll admit it. I am dying to get inside. I am dying to get in a bedroom and get away from you! Thank God we don’t have to share a room. You strike me as the type of guy who is so full of himself that he even talks in his sleep.”

While she gazed down at him his head drooped slightly. “I only had one girl mention that.” Of course, that was only because he rarely had girls sleep over. Never in the city and only when there was a party weekend while his parents were alive. He had learned early on that sleepovers meant some kind of commitment that he wasn’t ready for. He almost never stayed over, either, for the same reason. He lived by his own code, his own set of morals. And part of that code involved an honesty that most men didn’t subscribe to. Adam was quick to warn the women in advance that he wouldn’t be staying. No matter what. If they still wanted to have sex after his little disclaimer, then who was he to stop them?

“It’s because you don’t do sleepovers. If you let these dumb ass chicks stay over, it would be a different story altogether. Only, you don’t do that.” She leaped onto the roof and once her footing was sure, she brushed off her hands. Then she carefully made her way over to the only second story window on the front of the house.

He held his breath as she squatted beside it. Adam didn’t breathe again until she had pried open the window and entered the house, feet first. Damn, she was amazing. Once he finished admiring her agility, he wondered over her thought process. Was she really that perceptive or did she know someone he knew? He walked back over to the front stoop and less than three minutes later the large wooden door was being opened for him…while the alarms sounded.

“Thanks, genius. You might have mentioned the alarms.” She crossed her arms over her chest and moved out of the way so he could rush in and disable the system before they had more company than they wanted at this time of night.

“When would I have had a chance to tell you about the alarms? You didn’t exactly ask me before you scampered up the tree and made your way to the roof like some magical flying squirrel.” He punched numbers into the keypad just in time. “If none of the neighbors call Sam after this, it will be a miracle. I swear.”

She was glaring at him. “Guest room. Let’s go. I’m exhausted.” She clapped her hands like she was trying to make sure she had his attention before pushing him ahead of her toward the back of the house.

“Do you want a bubble bath to get cleaned up or to help you relax? Can I pour you a glass of wine? We have a nice wine collection…” He was trying to be a good host, but naturally, with his reputation, she would never see it that way.

“Seriously, forget about the seduction scene. It isn’t going to happen. Apparently you’d stand a better chance if I was a lesbian.” She chuckled. “I just want to go to bed. I’m exhausted.”

He smiled, but before he could speak, she interrupted again.

“Alone. I will be sleeping alone.”

Adam smiled wider. “Good. And you want coffee in the morning. Just like you…mean and abrasive.”

It was her turn to laugh. “No, light and sweet. I don’t know why that’s so hard for you to remember.”

He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “I don’t know why it’s so hard for you to be that way around me. Help me remember. Tomorrow morning…we’ll start with a do-over.”

“A do-over, huh?” She was trying to sound serious, but he could tell that his breath against her ear had affected her at least a little Copyright 2016 - 2024