Filthy Rich Revenge: A Filthy Rich Billionaires Book - Lynn Raye Harris Page 0,66


Before she could work it out, she was floating in the air, then falling gently down, her back landing on cushiony softness. A blanket covered her, and she realized she’d been cold as she snuggled into its warmth.

“Alejandro,” she breathed, knowing it was he who had moved her. She could smell his expensive soap, feel the warmth of his hard body as he’d carried her. She reached for him before he could escape, wound her arms around his neck. “You’re here. With me.”

“I am here, querida. Why were you on the chaise? It cannot be comfortable enough for the whole night.”

“Bed’s too big,” she replied on a yawn. She was so sleepy. Maybe she was dreaming, and he wasn’t there at all. It was certainly possible. After her conversation with Charlotte, she’d been thinking about Alejandro and wishing it really was a happy reunion and not this mess she’d found herself in.

“You have to sleep in the bed, Rebecca. It’s better for you. More comfortable.”

“Stay with me….”

Did he groan? “I cannot,” he said, gently pulling her arms away from his neck.

She’d been so lonely without him. Was it wrong of her to want him? To want to feel needed by him, even if only for a short while?

“Why don’t you want me?” She didn’t mean to say it aloud, but the words spilled out, the pain in them unmistakable.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

He sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at her. She reached up to trail her fingertips along his jaw. She could see him in the dim light from the moon, the hard lines of his face, the outline of his big body silhouetted against the pale wall behind him. He really was here. Tomorrow, she’d be humiliated by the things she’d said. Tonight, she just wanted answers.

“You’ve already hurt me,” she said softly. “What’s one more time?”

“Go back to sleep, Rebecca.” He kissed her palm and placed her hand over her heart. “Dream about kittens and other happy things.”

His hand ghosted over her hair and then he was gone.

Señora Flores knocked on Rebecca’s door the next morning and asked her to come to Alejandro’s office. She was finishing getting dressed so she had the señora tell Alejandro it would be a few minutes. When she finally arrived, he was sitting at his desk, dark head bent over his work. He looked up when she walked in, his eyes skimming her body.

Was that heat she saw? Or disdain? She could no longer tell.

She’d dressed carefully in a pale pink dress with little blue flowers that she knew looked good on her. It helped to give her confidence and she swayed her hips as she entered the room. Alejandro got to his feet and came around the desk.

“You look lovely this morning, Rebecca.”

“Thank you.” Her heart beat a little harder at the compliment.

“Did you sleep well?”

“Well enough.” She cocked her head. “Did you carry me to bed last night or did I imagine it?”

He nodded. “Sí. You were asleep on that cramped chaise. You would have awakened with a knot in your neck.”

She rubbed a shoulder and tried not to think of the things she’d said to him last night. “I think the cramp settled here, quite honestly.”

Alejandro made a noise as he came around behind her. His hands settled on her shoulders and her entire body electrified. He seemed not to notice as he began to rub.

“You must be careful, Rebecca. You are pregnant and must get proper rest.”

“I know I’m pregnant, Alejandro,” she said with a touch of annoyance. But was she annoyed at him for stating the obvious or at the way his hands felt so good digging into her shoulders?

“Then go to bed and don’t insist on sleeping on a cramped chair.” His fingers dug into her shoulders, loosening the tight muscles. She wanted to lean back against him, but she did not allow herself the luxury.

His scent stole to her, and she closed her eyes as she breathed him in. Why couldn’t life be simpler? Why couldn’t they really be in love and planning a happy future together?

“There,” he said, moving away after a few minutes. “That should help.”

Rebecca shrugged her shoulders as he walked around the desk and sat down again. She sank into the chair he indicated. “It feels better. Thank you.”

“De nada.” He shuffled some papers on his desk and then turned them until they faced her. “You will please take this and read it.”

Rebecca had to scoot Copyright 2016 - 2024