Filthy Rich Revenge: A Filthy Rich Billionaires Book - Lynn Raye Harris Page 0,42

swaying and gazed up at him. How could any one man be so attractive? He was like a fallen angel with his dark hair and mesmerizing stare.

“No, you don’t,” she replied, her heart thrumming in her breast.

He slipped an arm around her, hauled her closer. “Oh, sí, I do. I am thinking of it too.”

Her brain sent the signal to back away, but too late. His other hand grasped one of hers, placed it on the hard muscle of his bicep. Another pull and she was flush against his body.

Breast to belly to hip. His arousal came as a surprise and her breath broke on a gasp.

“Yes, I want you,” he said.

“But you hate me.”

His easy grin had the power to light the dark corners of her soul. He was so much like the old Alejandro in that moment that it made her ache.

“And you hate me. This does not stop our bodies from desiring one another, sí?”

She realized he was swaying them in time to the music, guiding her in a slow and sensual dance. And she suddenly didn’t want to be anywhere else. Her body recognized his, answered with the sweet ache of desire. Her sex grew damp and her breasts felt heavy, needy.

She closed her eyes, gave in to the temptation to press her cheek to his chest. His heart beat loud and strong beneath her touch. Quick, but not racing like hers. Whatever this was, he was affected too.

They moved slowly, silently. His hand slid down her back, over her buttock, and she shivered, her senses on full alert. She was like a finely tuned instrument awaiting the right hands. His hands. It’d been so, so long.

“Madre de Dios,” he said a moment later, pulling away from her. He didn’t stop the dance, didn’t break the contact, but he put space between them.

“What’s wrong?”

He gave her a meaningful look. “Nothing… if we were alone.” His fingers skimmed her jaw, her throat, the material at her collarbone. Sparks of sensation trailed in their wake, shivered across her heated skin.

She was frozen as he tilted her chin up, dipped his head toward hers. His lips brushed across her mouth so lightly, like the touch of a butterfly wing. She wanted more, parted her lips in anticipation, but he pulled back. His breath whispered over her moistened lips.

“I want to strip you slowly, kiss every centimeter of your skin, and make love to you for the rest of the night.”

Rebecca gulped. Oh God, she wanted it too.

But she couldn’t. She couldn’t lose her head over this man, not ever again. And after tonight—the pain in his eyes when he held his sobbing mother, the raw wound of losing his little girl, her realization that his desperate need for control stemmed from tragedy and heartbreak, and that her own family had contributed to his losses—how could she keep her heart hardened to him?

Desperately, she seized on the bad things she knew. He’d stolen her company, he’d had her watched, he thought the worst of her. He didn’t respect her as a person, didn’t think she was good or honorable. He was acting on pure male instinct. Animal attraction. He wanted her body, nothing more.

“I-I can’t,” she said, casting her eyes down, away from his burning gaze. She slipped out of his embrace and spun blindly toward the portico. They could never go back to where they’d been before. It’d been foolish of her to come here, to dance with him, to remember another, more innocent time. To open herself to the vortex of emotion that he caused inside her.

Life did not go backward. It ground relentlessly forward. If she’d endured the car, they might still be in the Puerta del Sol, but at least her heart would be intact.

Her fault. She’d allowed this to happen. What was she thinking when she’d wanted to come here?

She was almost under the portico when he caught her, spun her around and pulled her into the shaded area of an archway. His body was hard against hers, his hands framing her face. His warmth seared her skin. Her back hit a column and she realized he’d trapped her between him and the stone.

“You’re mine, Rebecca,” he said vehemently. “For as long and as often as I want you. I have bought and paid for you many times over. You will not deny me.”

Then his mouth crushed down on hers. It was the wildest, hottest, most devastating kiss she’d ever experienced. And when it was Copyright 2016 - 2024