Filthy (The Reckless Series #2) - HJ Bellus Page 0,53

feel terror for the first time. My heart stops beating as I force myself to read through the rest of the letter. As nasty as the message is, the flawless cursive makes me fall into a deep love.

Dear Darby,

Or at least I hope they kept your name Darby. It was my only term besides the one thousand dollar payment. It’s taken me years to write this letter and being behind bars for the rest of my days waiting for my fate on death row for all my past crimes.

My past and dishonorable actions have finally met me, and put me in prison. There were hundreds of babies I sold on the black market, but Darby you were different.

You were different because your mom was my one and only best friend. Francis was my childhood best friend. We lived on the wrong side of the tracks, and our only saving grace was our friendship and imaginary clubhouse back in the overgrown woods. It was the only place we could escape the demons that would meet us in our homes. Abuse doesn’t even begin to describe what we experienced at nights.

Years later, several years later, we met again in a different town and in different times in our lives. She was nine months pregnant and happier than could be, even though her boyfriend ditched her in a new town all alone. She was working three jobs and putting all of her extra money into creating the perfect nursery for you.

I’d been involved with Antonio for years, stealing babies and selling them. It was good money. Easy money that made ends meet. I got greedy and caught in a bind with him. It was my throat or to bring a baby to him. I chose my life.

I held your mother’s hand when she delivered you, wiped her tears away when she held you for the first time, and even drove her home. Francis had never been happier in her life and let her have six full days with you. It was all the time Antonio gave me.

I know none of these excuses make sense or any of my actions right. When I handed you over to the stuck-up influential couple from Tennessee a part of my soul was ripped from me. The woman had enough nerve to gag when you burped up some formula. I wanted to tear you from her hands and run. But then again, I made a selfish decision, which I’ve made my whole life.

I feel the most guilt laying this on you right now. I have no idea where you are at in your life. I’m so sorry if you’re living your dream and hit with this, but you deserve to know your real mother and how much she loved you. Her contact information is attached.

The tears streaming down my face morph into my whole body shaking. I reread the letter until I have it memorized without the message sinking in. This can’t be true or happening right now.

Without thinking, I dial my mother’s number on my cellphone. It’s not saved as a contact, but produced from memorization. It rings and rings and I wonder if she even recognizes my number.

“Are you in jail?” Her cold tone floats through the phone.

“Mom,” is the only word that comes out

“What do you need? I’m at the spa.”

“Did you…” I stumble over my words still in denial, not wanting to believe the letter.

“Did I what, Darby?” She doesn’t pause and wait for me to answer before going off on me. “Are you in trouble? Your dad and I told you, we’re done with you. We’ve given you everything and all you’ve done is ruin us.”

“Mom, did you buy me?” Each word ricochets around the room like stray bullets.

“What did you say?” Her harsh tone has dissipated into fear.

It makes me feel braver hearing the fear invade her. “You heard me, Mom, did you fucking buy me as a baby.”

“John,” I hear her yell.

“I thought you were at the spa, Mother, or are you standing there naked for the kicks of Daddy’s friends.”

I know she hears my words, but chooses to ignore me.

“She knows. She found out.”

I hear some rustling on the other end and then my father’s gruff voice. It’s dead of any emotion with just a harsh intake of evil.

“Darby, how did you find out?”

It’s all the confirmation I need.

“You’re fucking pure evil,” I spat feeling bile rise back up.

“I’ll destroy you if this leaks. I’m running for Governor this year Copyright 2016 - 2024