Filthy (The Reckless Series #2) - HJ Bellus Page 0,36

turned me away from relationships and showed me what I thought love was. But I truly never knew love until you. I’d run from every relationship, fucking my way through life until you. It was you I was meant for.”

A rustling noise distracts me and I look up to see Zane and Ava with our meals to go.

“Dinner at your house?” Ava asks.

I nod to her and then look up to Rhett. “Be patient with me. That really scared the shit out of me.”

“I promise. I’m never letting go of you, even if I have to fucking chase you down.”

He grabs my hand and I lean into him, winding my other hand around his arm. We are in our signature position, where it’s hard to decipher where Rhett begins and I end.

“Rhett,” I whisper. “I’m sorry for overreacting. It’s just that…” I stop walking, forcing him to stop and know it’s time or the chance of losing him forever very may well happen one day.

“What Darby?” He looks down with a concerned face.

“It’s just that I love you so much. I mean like, really fucking love you. I think I fell in love with you the first night I saw you dance at Chloe’s bachelorette party. I love you, Rhett.”

He closes his eyes shut tight and exhales. “Jesus, those three words off your sweet lips mean more to me than you’ll ever know.”

“I’ve known for a long time that I love you, but just haven’t had the balls to speak it out loud.”

“You’re the only fucking woman I know who has sexy balls.”

I slap his chest and smile easily knowing my man is back. We remain silent on the drive home, following the taillights of Ava’s car. The rest of the night flows by easily with great friends, amazing food, and the gorgeous house Rhett has provided for us.



“This shit is insane.”

“What are you talking about?” Zane asks while finishing off a beer.

“She’s pissed about the toast not being toasted or the sun rising too early, and I try to accommodate her and nothing works.”

“It’s fucking love, man.” His added chuckle makes me want to throat punch him.

“Well, it fucking sucks dick.” Speaking of dick, I scratch my own.


“Yep, since the night Darby met Gia shit has been all over the place.” I pause to scratch my dick again. “I try to show her in every way, but she resists, but doesn’t resist.”

“Love fucking sucks,” Zane offers around a mouthful of pizza.

“I just don’t know how to get through to her. Darby’s a tough cookie and tries to mask everything, but deep down I feel like shit’s going to hit the fan at any given moment.”

“Just show her that you love her every single day.” Zane reaches for another piece of pizza. “What is the deal with Gia?”

I shrug. Just the sound of her name makes me ill. “Nothing. Nothing, man.”

“Think if you fully close that door it will help you move on easier with Darby?”

“There’s nothing to close. I’m not hung up on her. In fact, I hate the bitch.”

“Whatever you say, man. Want the last slice?” he asks, pointing to the pizza.


I watch him down the final slice like a hungry ape.

“You fucking expecting or what?” I ask him, finishing off my beer.

“Going to pound the hell out of Ava. I need my energy.” He waggles his eyebrows.

I stand up to pay before I get any more details on his pound and ground session later on with his wife. The girls are running late from shopping all day, so Zane and I decided on pizza for dinner. Darby’s texted me all day with naughty pictures and dirty words. I can’t wait to take her every way possible tonight.

I pay the bill and tell my best friend to suck a cock before driving home. Zane’s advice isn’t lost on me about Gia. It’s a scary door to my past that does need to be slammed shut, but the thought of meeting her and peering into her dark eyes is one I don’t want to entertain. The lights are on in the shack and I know my girl is home.

As big of a pain in the ass as she is, the two words “my girl” are too delicious to give up on her. A sexy song fills our home as I step in. I plop down on the chair right by the entry, and unlace my work boots and shimmy out of my dusty work jeans. I take my trucker Copyright 2016 - 2024