A FILTHY Enemy - Jaxson Kidman Page 0,56

Ven still?”

“Yeah it is. How did that happen?”

“That’s my personal life,” she said. “You don’t like who I’m spending time with? That’s pretty ironic, Reed. How many women do you have in your bed at one time?”

“Right now my bed is empty.”

“And right now nobody is touching me,” she said. “We’re even.”

“We’re not fucking even,” I growled.

“You’re that jealous of Ven? I don’t think I like this look on you. It’s kind of… weak…”

She was teasing me.

Fucking with my head.

Which she knew how to do perfectly.

My blood was boiling. My cock was still rock hard.

She looked fucking beautiful.

I grabbed her hips and pushed.

She screamed again but I didn’t throw her into the water.

I was going to get her soaked in a different way.

I turned her away from the pool and walked her back a few steps.

“I’ll be right back, honey,” I said.

“Where are you going?” she asked. “Need a minute to cool off because you can’t stop thinking of Ven and I together?”

Together? What the fuck did that mean…

I walked around the pool and went to the recording studio.

Inside, I collected a bunch of blankets, two pillows, and hooked my fingers into two sleeping bags.

The idea of Abby anywhere near Ven made me want to scream.

The idea of Abby being with anyone else made me want to scream.

The idea of Abby being with me…

I wasn’t sure.

But my heart told me it was the right thing.



He made us a bed outside.

Next to the pool.

Under the stars.

I casually slipped out of my shoes and hugged myself, watching him set everything up.

All of this because of Ven?

I had purposely gone out with Ven to see what it would do to Reed.

I figured a fight. Some band drama. Reed and I yelling at each other.

The words I’m sorry were still bouncing around my head. What was he sorry for? Ruining my date with Ven? Or ruining my life when he left me on the side of the road?

“Hey, Reed,” I said. “I don’t know what we’re-”

He turned and somehow dipped down fast enough to kiss me and steal my thoughts.

A quick kiss.

But it was… whoa…

My knees wobbled for a second.

His hands touched my sides and moved up. “You’re going to listen to me, honey. This is your bed tonight. Under the stars. I promised you that at one point.”

“So now you’re keeping to your promises?” I asked.

“I apologized,” he said.

“You didn’t say for what. Or why.”

Reed brushed his lips to mine and then put his mouth to my ear. “I’ll write my apology with my tongue.”

My toes curled and I bit my lip.

He touched the button on my jeans and slipped his hands to my hips and gently pushed my jeans and panties down.

There was a quick sense of getting caught but that went away when I realized this was Reed’s house. There were no neighbors in sight. And it was dark out. There was the dim light from the pool water and the stars above us.

Nothing else.

Also, when the tips of his right fingers eased between my legs, pressing against my swollen folds, I didn’t care about anything else in the world.

His tongue traced a line down my neck to my shirt.

Then he disappeared on me.

Reed started to fall to his knees.

Is this you apologizing, Reed? Begging for forgiveness for what you’ve done?

My cheeks flushed with heat and I looked down and watched him strip me of my jeans and panties.

His hands touched the backs of my legs and he pulled me forward.

I touched his shoulders as his lips kissed my soft and smooth mound.

His tongue teased me, moving up, then down, then back up…

Then back down… and down…

The tip of his tongue curled and pulled against my clit.

I drove my hips forward with a groan and opened my legs.

Reed made a quick move, making me move over the sleeping bags on the ground. His hands touched behind my knees and he forced me to the ground.

Pulling me down, pulling me toward him, his mouth moving down right between my legs.

My back arched instantly as his tongue moved up and down.

My right hand grabbed at his hair and I pulled… my body didn’t know what to think or feel. He was so good… so fucking good… beyond the best I had ever had in my life.

Yet a part of me hated him.

The confusion was a tough battle.

But his tongue swirling around my clit chased away confusion. In its place was a gush of pleasure. He closed his mouth around my tender bud and

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