Fighting Fate (Fighting #7) - JB Salsbury Page 0,2

of there, and when I do, she’s going to need you down here so you can keep her safe. Understand?”

I can’t even think clearly enough to understand what he’s saying. All I hear is she needs me and I can keep her safe, so I nod and step down.

“Good. Hang tight.” He takes three steps at a time until he’s gone.

I rip my hands through my hair, the waiting making me crazy. Why didn’t Raven come back down before the five minutes were up? Or at least peek out to let us know everything’s okay?

Because everything isn’t okay.

I go back to pacing. My scalp burns from scraping my nails on it. She’s okay. She has to be. And when this is all over, I’m not waiting another second to tell her how I feel, to let her know I’ve never been more in love with anyone in my entire life. I’ll do whatever she asks me to, jump through any hoops she lays out, if it means she’ll give me a shot at making her happy.

She claimed my soul from the first time we met, and I can’t imagine ever loving anyone the same way I do her. If she’ll have me, I’ll—

The high-pitched shriek of truck tires speeding around the corner calls my eyes and I skid to a halt.

Black Rubicon.


The vehicle jerks to a stop, and he’s out and running to the stairs. He’s dressed like me: suit pants, button-up shirt, and dress shoes.

I run to catch him. “Blake!”

He freezes, and I flinch at the mix of anger and self-hatred I see in his eyes. “Killian, what’s going on up there?”

“I don’t know. Raven and Jonah went up, but they made me stay down here. I don’t know, Blake. Something’s not right. Axelle didn’t sound right when she called me. I just… She wouldn’t admit it, but something’s wrong.” I press my hand to my heart as it splinters behind my ribs. “If something bad happens, I… I can’t lose her. What if he takes her back to Seattle? What if he takes Layla and they—”

“Not gonna happen.” He hooks me around the neck and makes me meet his eyes. “I’m going up there to get my girls, and no one, especially not some piece-of-shit, abusive ex-dick will stand in my way.”

My eyes widen and my hands shake. “Abusive?”

His mouth opens and his eyes soften, but he slams his jaw shut and races up the stairs. “I’m sending Axelle down now. Be ready.”

It doesn’t take long, and before I know it, she comes bolting down the stairs with a trail of chestnut hair whipping in the wind behind her.

I’m breathing so heavily I’m practically panting with relief. She’s okay.

“Killian!” She launches herself off the steps and into my arms.

Raven’s standing at the top of the steps, and with a satisfied nod, she turns back to the apartment.

“He has my mom. He’s not going to let us go, Kill. We’ll never get away.” Her body jerks with the force of her sobs. “Why…why won’t he let us go?”

I bury my nose into her hair and breathe deeply, reminding myself that she’s here and safe in my arms. “Shhh…he’s not taking either of you anywhere.”

“I was so scared.” Her arms grow tighter around my waist, and my arms shake with pent-up rage and relief. “I was so afraid no one would be able to help us. Blake left, and I thought you bought my stupid excuse for not being able to go to the dance.” The more she talks, the harder she cries, as if she’s been holding it all back for days.

“It’s alright. I knew. I heard it in your voice. I knew something wasn’t right.”

“Thank you. Thank you, Kill. You saved us. God, what if you guys never showed up?”

“We’re here; that’s all that matters.” Is this what Superman feels like when he saves Lois Lane?

Her body freezes in my arms and she pulls back. Her eyes are red and puffy, but she still takes my breath away. “I have to go back up there.”

I hold her tighter. “No way. We’re staying down here. Let Jonah and Blake take care of—”

She breaks free and starts running up the stairs.

“Shit! Axelle, wait!”

It takes a fraction of a second for me to realize she has no plan to stop, so I race after her and reach the front door just behind her.

Axelle’s dad is in a standoff with Blake, and Jonah is at his friend’s back. Not good odds for Copyright 2016 - 2024