Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,91


Not after the way he took the fact that I was sexually active and had sex toys lying around in my bedroom.

They were still good friends, and maybe that would help make the relationship between Riggs and I okay.

For now, him and I still had to make it official.

The front door opened and Dad walked in, looking tired and stressed.

I ran to him to hug him, kissing his cheek and hopefully making him feel better. “Hi, Dad. How was your day?”

He patted my back before I leaned back to look at him. “Hello, sweetheart. It was a long day but I made it out alive,” he joked.

“Riggs is here,” I announced, and together we walked into the kitchen so he could greet his wife and friend.

“Good to see you again, Riggs. You doing okay?”

“Yeah, hard day?”

“As always. I’m starting to take into consideration what Della suggested,” Dad said, chuckling at the idea of finally retiring.

“Think that wouldn’t be such a bad idea,” Riggs said.

“Can’t stop right now. Important things are happening. Had to fire two employees and am now searching for a new one,” Dad sighed, turning to look at me again. “You’re not interested in working at the firm for a few hours after school, are you?”

“Uh…” I actually thought about it, but I knew that wasn’t anything I’d enjoy. “I don’t think so. I’m busy with school, and I don’t wanna fall behind.”

“Oh, you’re a smart girl, Valley. I’m sure it won’t be so bad taking up a small job like that to help your father. Maybe you’ll take over the firm one day.”

“No,” I answered, frowning at her.

“Why not?” she challenged, and I was starting to think she was trying to mess with me on purpose.

“Because I’m not studying biology in college for nothing.”

“And where will that get you?”

Jesus Christ…

“There are many things she can do after graduating with a biology major. I’m sure she’ll find the right thing,” Riggs said, defending me from her.

“Whatever,” she mumbled, turning back to the stove and making me roll my eyes.

“Ignore her,” Dad whispered into my ear before he pointed to the stairs. “I’ll go put away my things and be right back.”

When he left, Riggs nudged my side and winked at me, making me smile again and remember his words he told me earlier.

Others couldn’t do or say anything to me. I was confident in who I was, what I wanted in life, and who I wanted to be.


Dinner was over quicker than expected, but it was Riggs who seemed eager to leave after finishing his dinner and emptying his beer.

I was sitting next to him, my hand on his thigh underneath the table while he rested his on mine.

“Wanna go home?” I asked, turning my hand so our palms faced each other’s, and I slid my fingers through his to hold on to him.

“Yeah, I think it’s time for me to go home. Thank you so much for dinner, and I’ll invite you guys over sometime soon.”

We all got up from the table and walked over to the front door, and while they all said goodbye, I checked myself in the mirror to see if my uniform was still looking good.

“Drive safe, Val. I’ll see you in a bit,” Dad said.

“Oh, actually…I have to stop at Kennedy’s. She needs help with some homework and since I’m driving by her house anyway, I told her I’d stop by.”

Another lie, but I was becoming good at them.

“Fine, let me know when you leave her place.”

I nodded, smiling at him before leaving the house with Riggs who had a knowing look on his face.

“Naughty little thing,” he murmured, making me grin from one ear to the other.

We got into the car and I pulled out of the driveway to head to his place, and because we couldn’t keep our fingers away from each other, he reached over to me and cupped my pussy, making me spread my legs so he had easier access.

“You kept your uniform on. Do you have any idea how hard you make me without even touching me?”

I had a little bit of an idea how I made him feel, which made me feel powerful.

“You deserve to be fucked tonight, and I want you to keep that uniform on while I do so.”

I licked my lips and kept my eyes on the road, my hips moving at the touch of his fingers on my clit.

“I can smell your sweetness from here. Shit, baby, you’re so fucking wet.”

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