Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,77

still standing outside, I walked upstairs to get to my bedroom and replay everything that happened tonight from the teasing to the making out with Payton, and Riggs’s sudden disappearance.

Guess I won a point tonight, and defeated him at his own game.

But the game was far from being over.

A sharp pain ran from the back of my head down into my body as my hair got pulled back forcefully.

I hit my back against his hard body as he pulled my head back with his hand wrapped around my ponytail, and simultaneously muffled my cry with his other hand pressed over my mouth.

He wasn’t gone, and my excitement rose without hesitation.

My heart was pumping fast, making my chest ache in a way it never did before, and also making me nervous for some reason.

“Walk,” he growled, his voice deeper than ever, rougher.

I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn’t just imagining this, but the way he gripped my hair and sent sparks of pain down my spine assured me that this was reality.

I started walking into my room, and once we were both inside, he closed and locked the door behind him with the hand he had covered my mouth with.

“Think you can get away with this? Kissing that girl while eye-fucking me?”

Out of all the times he acted this way, his voice had never been this dark.

With his hand still wrapped around my ponytail as if he was holding on for dear life, he turned me to face him with his eyes filled with rage.

Shit, he was really mad, and for some stupid reason, that’s exactly what I hoped he’d be.

“You proved your point. You want me. But that doesn’t mean you have to act like a fucking slut, making out with another girl to fuck with me,” he grumbled, his jaw tense and barely moving as he spoke through gritted teeth.

Had I pushed him too far?

Even if…this was what I wanted, and now I’d have to pay for what I’ve done.

“What are you gonna do about it?” I croaked, wanting to sound more powerful instead of weak.

I wasn’t suffering through this, but I sure sounded like I was. I liked this side of him. One of the biggest reasons why I wanted to be his.

This is what I needed. A man who didn’t hold back and put me in my place when I acted like a brat.

It was what I’ve always wanted, and Riggs was the only man who’s ever made me feel this way.


He made me who I really was, no matter how sick and twisted it might’ve been. I loved being claimed, spanked, fucked hard, and hell…even degraded.

That’s who I was, and Riggs brought out all the best in me.

A harsh laugh made his chest vibrate, and since he was still holding on to my hair, I couldn’t move and had no other option than to look into his eyes.

“What am I gonna do about it? I think at this point you should know what’s coming, darling,” he growled.

He moved his left hand up to cup my jaw tightly, and he pressed his fingers against my cheeks, leaving marks without having to slap me.

“I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t think straight anymore. Harder than the last time,” his threats sounded like promises to me, and I needed them immediately.

I was about to reach up to grab his wrist, but he turned, making me face the door as he pushed me against it with a loud thud.

“You will not touch me tonight and I don’t wanna hear one fucking word coming out of your mouth,” he spat, pushing his knee between my legs from behind and wrapping his hand tighter around my throat to cut off my airway.

His right hand moved to my stomach, lifting my dress and then cupping my pussy to rub it roughly.

“Think we’ve been through this too many times, Val. This is my game, and we play by my rules. And there’s no way you will be the one winning in the end.”

At this point, I believed him.

I surrendered, even if it was against everything I stood for.

“This cunt is mine,” he growled into my ear, his breath tickling my skin. “Say it, Valley. Tell me who this cunt belongs to,” he ordered, rubbing his fingers against my clit and circling it while sending sparks of pleasure through my body.

“You…my cunt belongs to you, daddy.”

“What did you say?” he asked, and I knew calling him daddy only made him angrier.

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