Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,75

were nice, and there was even one who looked like she was right up my alley.

Sexy, a tease, and with a resting bitch-face.

Maybe I would make friends tonight.

“You’re Valley. I’ve heard about you before,” one of the daughters said with a smug grin on her face.

“And you are?” I asked, taking in her beautiful dress which did make me jealous for a second.


“And where did you hear about me?” I asked.

“At school. I think it’s your cousin who goes there too. Beatrix, I think is her name.”

I nodded, puckering my lips. “Small world,” I said, taking a sip of the champagne I had grabbed from the kitchen counter.

“So…are you one of those girls who keep on looking at others girls with that judgmental look until they leave or is that just how you look?”

Where’d she get the audacity to talk to me like that?

“I was gonna ask the same,” I replied, staring back at her until neither of us could contain a laugh.

Yeah, this chick was exactly like me.

“Want a smoke?” she asked, but as much as I would’ve enjoyed to go outside and do all the things my parents would hate to know about, I had to pass as I saw Riggs walk into the house as handsome as ever.

“Not right now. How about I let you in on a little secret, P?”

“Love secrets,” she grinned, watching me closely while I followed Riggs with my eyes.

We were standing a little further away from the others, next to the stairs where no one could hear us talk.

“See that man over there with the slicked back hair and white beard?” I asked, nodding in Riggs’s direction.

Payton looked toward him and nodded, then she frowned and looked at me again.

“Don’t tell me you’re into that guy…”

“Oh, I so am. He fucked me a few times, but he’s avoiding me and I wanna get back at him. You could help me,” I suggested.

“How?” she asked, slowly changing her mind about it.

“You can’t hide how dirty you are, P. I can see it in your eyes that you’re just as naughty as I am. Okay, maybe not as naughty…but you wouldn’t mind acting like you’re into me for the night, hm?”

She stared at me for a second, and the way her eyes glowed told me that she was into the idea.

“So…you wanna make him jealous with me?” she asked.

“Yeah. I wanna see how he reacts. What do you say?”

She shrugged. “As long as my mother doesn’t see.”

I laughed and shook my head at her. “Don’t worry about that. Della would have a stroke if she saw me with another girl.”

I grabbed her hand and pulled her through the kitchen to get a better look at Riggs who was now standing next to Dad in the living room, a glass of Gin already in his hand.

“How old is he?” she asked, starting to seem interested in Riggs herself.

“Fifty-six,” I quickly replied, keeping my eyes on him while he talked to Dad.

“He’s handsome.”

Yeah, no shit. “He’s mine,” I made clear.

She laughed and held up her hands. “Relax, girl. He’s all yours. I have a boyfriend.”


“Well, we’ve been dating for month. Not sure where we stand.”

That’s what bothered the shit outta me about guys my age. They had no clue what they wanted, always saying we’ll see where things take us, and the second they find another girl to fuck, they drop you.

Riggs made it clear he wanted me. Only me.

Then I made the mistake to reject him and now I had to fight to get him back.

When he turned his head and met my eyes, I kept my eyes on his as I moved my hand from Payton’s hand to her hip, pulling her closer to me.

He was as serious as ever, not showing any other emotion and staring into my soul like there was nothing else he was good at.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked quietly, noticing Riggs staring at me.

“Nothing yet.”

“Well, that’s no fun,” she muttered, leaning against the counter and drinking a sip of her drink.

That was enough staring for now, so I turned to Payton and moved my hand to her waist, grinning at her.

“What? You wanna make out right now?” I asked with a laugh.

She shrugged and laughed as well. “Would that be too weird?”

“No, but I don’t want him to think I’m trying to get a rise out of him.” Though, that’s what he probably always thought.

I looked back to see if Riggs was still watching us, Copyright 2016 - 2024