Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,72

me a hateful message.

I took a deep breath and tried to go back to my usual self. The Valley who’s strong-willed and gets what she wants, and when I parked in front of his house, I stared up at the house with determination.

Only the downstairs lights were on, and I was positive Garett was gone as his car was nowhere to be seen.

Good. This made things a whole lot easier.

I got out of the car and tugged at my dress, straightening it and making sure no wrinkles were showing.

I decided on a black dress with a low cut in the front and back. It hugged my body tightly, showing all my curves.

This is it, I thought. I’m going to tell him what I want and he’ll easily take me back.

When I reached the front door, I took a second to go through the things I wanted to tell him, and once I was prepared to see him again, I pushed the doorbell and stepped back.

It took a few seconds for him to open the door, but once he did, I almost melted at the way he looked.

He was in his loungewear, his hair brushed back and his beard trimmed to perfection. His hands fisted at his side as his eyes met mine, and he didn’t dare to move them down my body to inspect my dress.

“What?” he spat, obviously very happy to see me this Wednesday evening.

“May I come in?” I asked, brushing a strand of hair back and out of my face.


I raised a brow. “Huh?”

“No. Leave,” he growled, making my blood boil in that very instant.

“Seriously? I’m here to talk. Let me in,” I urged, but instead of stepping aside, he started to close the door on me.

“You will not shut the door in my face, Riggs!” I fired back, taking a step closer to him.

Why was he acting like an asshole?

Maybe because he is one.

“Why are you here, Valley? Didn’t I make myself clear that night?” he asked with a deep crease forming between his brows.

I mimicked his expression. “You really thought I would let it end like this? God, you really don’t know anything about me,” I laughed with a shake of my head.

“You made your decision. There’s no reason for you to show up here unannounced,” he spat.

I wanted to slap him.

Kick him in the balls and make him suffer for talking to me like this.

Sure, I told him I wouldn’t give up camming for him, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t change my mind about it.

“Let me in so we can talk about it,” I offered, crossing my arms in front of my body to show him just how serious I was about this.

I had already dropped a few men because of him, and if he’d let me in, I was sure I would do the same with the rest of them.

Even Garett.

“Go home, Valley,” he pushed, not up for a confrontation.

“Don’t tell me you’re over me already. You fucked me. You showed me the real you, and now you expect that I just leave and never return again?”

“Go, before I call your father,” he warned.

“Do you really think I’m here without a damn reason, Riggs?” I asked, ignoring his threat. “Do you really think I would show up here just to get a rise out of you?”

“Don’t know you any other way,” he muttered.

“Where would that get me after all those nights you showed your true colors to me? You don’t really wanna push me away, and you damn well know it.”

I was frustrated with myself but mostly with him.

“Where’d you get the nerve to be such a dick?” I spat, trying to turn my anger down a notch.

Even without any neighbors close by, my voice definitely could be heard at the houses down the street.

He stared at me for a while, and if my eyes weren’t deceiving me, I saw the corners of his mouth turn up slightly.

So this was amusing to him?

Was he just playing hard to get?

“Go home, Valley,” he repeated, this time in a calmed, gentler voice.

I snorted and almost stomped my foot on the ground.

“Fine. We’re playing by your rules again. But there’s one thing you’re forgetting, Riggs…”

I stepped closer to him, poking my finger into his chest and looking up at him with narrowed eyes.

“This game isn’t over,” I whispered, moving my hand down to cup his crotch and squeezing it tightly.

“Not until I say it is.”

But not even that made him rethink his choice of not Copyright 2016 - 2024