Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,63

my hair all wild and messy.

“You’re a little freak,” he muttered, but he didn’t have to tell me. I knew, and I loved to push myself to test my limits.

His hand left my face for just a second before it landed flush against my cheek, burning just a little.

“I would’ve given you a way out, one last chance to think about what is coming next, but I don’t feel like it anymore. This is what you deserve, and you’ll like it no matter what.”

I’m sure I would, and after another quick slap he pushed three of his fingers into my mouth, deep until they hit the back of my throat, making me gag.

“Not holding back. Not one fucking bit, and if you still feel like you can handle me and put aside those fuckers, you’ll be mine forever.”

It sounded like a dream.

Being his.

But he knew how much I wanted to have control over him as well, so I wasn’t sure how that would work out if I did choose to be his.

There wasn’t a way for me to tell him with him fingering my mouth to get his fingers wet, so I kept my eyes on his and let him do whatever he was up to.

Whatever it was, I wanted it bad.

“You’re so damn beautiful. I’d give everything for you to be mine, baby. I can see past you making other men come, but only if you choose me,” he muttered.

He pulled his fingers out, and with my saliva covering them, he placed them at my entrance and pushed them inside without a warning, moving them in and out of me hard and fast.

I moaned, keeping my eyes on his the whole time and reaching up to tug at his shirt, wanting him to take it off and show me his insanely handsome body.

But he didn’t, and he continued to finger me as he pressed his forearm against my neck, taking away my breath again.

He added one more finger, pushing deeper inside of me and moving his hand faster and making another orgasm creep up.

He denied me the first time, which frustrated me at first, but I knew the more he denied it, the better my final climax would me.

“So damn tight. Wish I could fill both your holes at once,” he groaned, making me tap his arm so I could speak.

He didn’t let me though, and pulled his fingers out to taste them before placing them back on my pussy.

This time, he moved them to my back entrance, circling my tight hole before pushing two fingers inside.

It hurt at first, as he should’ve prepared me for it, but I was relaxed enough to push the pain aside and enjoy his way of pleasing me.

“I’m gonna fuck you right here. This tight hole feels so fucking good, baby.”

I was getting lightheaded again, and I tried to keep my eyes open as he continued to choke me while his fingers brushed roughly against my inside walls.

“I have…” I croaked, not able to form a full sentence.

He raised a brow at me, and for a split second I thought he was going to continue choking me, but to my luck, he moved his arm to let me breathe.

“I have toys,” I told him, which wasn’t what he had expected me to say.

With a smug grin on his face, he pulled his fingers out again and moved away from me to let me get up.

“Show me,” he demanded, and I quickly got up to grab the box from underneath my bed where I stored all of my sex toys.

When I put the box onto the bed, he told me to lay back down and let him see for himself, so while he went through all my toys, I quickly took off my dress, then leaned back against the headboard, massaging my nipple and clit to stimulate the tension and aching.

I watched him closely while he picked up the biggest dildo from the box, then a small vibrator and a blindfold.

Being blindfolded didn’t seem appealing when I had the chance to look at his handsome face, but whatever he wanted to do, I’d let him do to me.

He put the box aside, mumbling something under his breath with his grin still in place, then he looked up and nodded to the headboard.

“Arms up,” he ordered, crawling back onto the bed and moving closer as he let the other two toys fall between my legs.

I lifted my hands and already knew what he was up Copyright 2016 - 2024