Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,53

handsome with all the different symbols on his skin, and although I didn’t look at them too closely, I was sure I one day had the chance to ask him about each and every one of them.

“How does this feel?” he asked in a growl, pushing three fingers into my asshole now.

“It feels perfect,” I moaned, opening my eyes again and looking back at him.

He lifted his gaze to meet my eyes, and when he saw how ready and willing I was, he pulled his fingers, then his cock out of me to press the tip of it against my back entrance.

I moaned again, relaxing my body and trying not to move.

“Fuck, baby…you’re so damn tight,” he muttered, trying to push further inside of me carefully.

It took a while until he was able to enter me fully, and although it didn’t hurt me, I could feel him stretching me more and more.

I closed my eyes again, and once he was sure he could start thrusting into me without a boundary, he did just that.

From that moment on, I was in pure bliss, enjoying every second of him fucking me.

Coming from anal wasn’t an option for me, no matter how hard and deep he pushed into me, but that didn’t stop him from taking me out of the pool and into his bedroom, both of us still wet from the water.

He made me lie down on my stomach with my legs dangling from the bed as he stepped close between them to push his cock back into my pussy again and start pounding into me with no mercy.

Just how I liked it.

He wasn’t as vocal as usual, but he showed me by his roughness just what he was thinking, and the longer I tried to hold back on my orgasm, the faster he moved in and out of me.

“Let go, Valley,” he ordered, holding on to my ass tightly.

I was enjoying this far too much, and I didn’t wanna come unless he did the same at the same time.

“Stop fucking holding back, Valley!” he growled, digging his fingers into my skin.

“No,” I cried, reaching between my body and the mattress to cup my pussy and ease the aching.

He muttered something I couldn’t understand, but he quickly showed me how unhappy he was by pulling out of me, turning me onto my back, pushing back into me and wrapping his hand around my throat tightly.

“I told you to come,” he barked.

As much as I would’ve loved to tease him a little more, and as much as I enjoyed seeing him this angry, I finally let go, letting the orgasm hit me hard.

I threw my head back, closed my eyes and gripped the covers underneath me while my legs started to shake.

“Perfect…just like that, baby. Let go,” Riggs growled, loosening his grip on my throat just a little to let me breathe.

Soon after, he stopped moving and I felt his cum fill me once again.

“Oh, Riggs,” I moaned, reaching for his hand and tightening his grip again because, well…choking me was starting to become something I wanted him to do more often.

A low chuckle left him, and his fingers gripped my throat tighter again, and when he stopped moving, he stayed deep inside of me, not letting his cum flow out of me.

Instead, he leaned down to press his lips against mine, with his beard tickling my skin.

Kissing him started to feel normal, almost as if it was needed after his rough way of fucking me.

He was gentle, yet very determined.

But even though he was showing a whole different side of him in that moment, there was nothing changing between us.

He was still just a guy I liked to have fun with, and if I was being brutally honest, I didn’t think there would be more between us than this.

Sure, he was a somewhat nice guy when he didn’t act like a total asshole, but I was still eighteen. A relationship or even catching feelings for him wasn’t an option.

Think again, Val.

No. He doesn’t want that either, so why start hoping for something I knew would never happen?

His tongue moved against mine one last time before he stood up straight and finally pulled out of me.

But it wasn’t over yet, because no matter what we did, there was always something more to do.

He looked down at his cock, then raised a brow at me with question in his eyes. I wasn’t sure what he wanted at first, but when I moved my eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024