Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,48

still not able to use my vocal cords to communicate.

“Good. Go sit down.”

He finally let go of me, and after sucking enough air into my lungs, I turned and walked to the dining table which was already set.

I had to give it to him.

For being an alpha, and an asshole for most of the time, he did have his life under control and didn’t let himself go just because he was retired now.

I was positive he went for a run this morning, or did some workout in his home gym.

Either way, I liked where things with us were going.

I didn’t expect him and I to fall in love and move in together, because quite frankly, that would only complicate things.

But I did like the thought of us seeing each other more often, even with my parents back from vacation.

They didn’t have to know about us, and we could keep it our dirty little secret.

Yeah…I think I’d like that.

“Are you planning on staying for long, Marcus?” I asked, taking another bite of the food on my plate.

Riggs was a great cook, but as much as I enjoyed dinner, I finally wanted to be alone with him.

“I’m still trying to figure things out. I might stay until the end of the year and start over in the new one,” he said.

“You won’t stay here that long.” Riggs wasn’t just an asshole to me, but also his own brother.

“I told you you’re allowed to stay for a few weeks, not four whole months.”

The angel on my right shoulder told me to talk Riggs into keeping his brother here a little longer, but the devil on the other side made me keep my mouth shut.

“Right, then I’ll be gone soon I guess,” Marcus muttered, finishing up his dinner. “Do you need a ride home? I’m driving into town anyway,” he offered, but I quickly shook my head.

“I drove here myself.”

“Ah, right. Well, then.” He got up from the table while Riggs and I were still eating, showing no manners whatsoever.

Sure, he wanted to hit the town and see if there’s a woman waiting for him for the night, but he still could’ve waited for us to finish up instead of leaving in the middle of dinner.

Riggs didn’t seem to mind and was probably happy he was leaving. “Bye,” he muttered, and I smiled up at Marcus to wave at him.

“Have fun.”

“Thanks. Probably won’t have as much of it as I would’ve had with my initial date.”

Aw, well…that’s a nice compliment.

I smiled again and watched as he left the kitchen, then I turned to look at Riggs until we heard first the front door shut, then Marcus’s car drive away.

“You could be a little nicer to your brother, you know?”

“You could just keep that mouth shut and let me handle him.”


Then again, there was nothing else I expected from him when he was in a grumpy mood like this.

I took the last bite and set my fork down to take a sip of my water, seeing as he didn’t have anything other than alcohol around.

“Can I get a bit of the red wine?” I asked, pointing at the bottle and looking at him.

He shrugged. “If you can handle it.”

“Handle it? It’s just a little wine, Riggs. Maybe it will set me in the mood seeing as you’re not helping much.”

He raised a brow while I poured myself a little bit of the wine, and when I set the bottle down, he frowned at me.

“You know why you’re here tonight. You should’ve come prepared,” he told me.

“Oh, I am prepared for whatever fucked up and dirty shit you’re up to tonight, but maybe you should lose that grumpy old man behavior and show me what you really want. All you’re doing right now is making me want to go back home and use a dildo to make myself come.”

He didn’t like that at all.

Pushing himself back from the table, he got up and placed his hand on my throat, making me stand up and spill my wine all over the table.


“Is that how you talk to me?” he growled.

There, was it so hard to turn into his usual self?

I bit my bottom lip to stop from grinning, and I shook my head to answer his probably rhetorical question.

He pushed my chair to the side and moved the plates and bowls on the table away to then lay me down on my back with him standing between my legs.

My heart started pumping hard in my chest, wanting Copyright 2016 - 2024