Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,46


This wasn’t over yet, and I knew whatever I would do, she’d like.

I let go of my now semi-hard shaft and placed two of my fingers on her tongue, letting some of the cum flow down her throat and some of it down her chin.

She swallowed to not choke on it, and I covered my fingers in my own cum before rubbing them against her tongue.

“This isn’t the only body part of yours I want my cum on,” I told her quietly, then I nodded upward motioning for her to stand up.

She did after I pulled my fingers out of her mouth, and when she was standing in front of me in those tight pants and no hoodie on, I ordered her to take them off and strip.

The good girl she was did exactly that, and when she stood there between my legs with her bare pussy right in front of my face, I lifted my hand and placed my two fingers between her folds, rubbing in my cum.

“I want it right here too. I wanna come inside of your tight, wet pussy,” I told her, looking up at her.

Her eyes were hooded, and she held herself up with her hands on my shoulders, looking down at me and spreading her legs a little wider for easier access.

I dipped my fingers into her tight hole, stretching her while small moans left her lips.

She clawed her short but sharp nails into my shoulders, now closing her eyes as I started fingering her.

I kept my mouth shut for a while, making sure she wouldn’t come while I rubbed my fingertips against her inner walls, smelling her arousal as I was sitting right in front of her.

So damn sweet, but I had to wait.

I had already gotten a taste of her pussy before, and she tasted so damn addictive.

“Please,” she begged, her eyes closed and her lips parted. “Please make me come.”


“Please, Riggs…I want you to make me come,” she whispered, her legs slowly starting to shake.

Her pussy clenched around my fingers, squeezing them tight. But before she could reach that high she so desperately needed, I pulled my fingers out and pulled her back on my lap where her bare pussy pressed against my dick.

“Open,” I ordered, my fingertips grazing her lips before she parted them enough to let my fingers in.

She sucked on them, licked both my cum and her juices off while her eyes stared back into mine again.

“Stop begging. I decide when you get to come, understand that?”

She gave me a small nod, then she moved her hips in circular motions again to tease me.

As much as I was ready for round two, I couldn’t give it to her.

“I gotta go,” I told her, placing my hands on her hips and pushing her off me again.

“So soon?”

I let out a harsh laugh. “I spent enough time here with you tonight.”

I got up from the couch and pulled up my boxer briefs and pants while she stood there naked, not really interested in putting on her underwear or hoodie.

Not that I minded, but she was trying to get more out of this tonight when I told her there wasn’t going to be more.

“Will I see you again soon?”

I buttoned my jeans and picked up my glass to empty the gin inside, and once I set it back down, I looked at her and nodded.

“Tomorrow night. Come by my house. Wear a swimsuit,” I told her, then I left her standing there in the middle of the living room to get to the front door.


“Stop asking so many damn questions before I change my mind.”

She had followed me, still naked, and now stood in front of me again with her nipples still hard and perky.

“Tomorrow night at eight. We’ll have dinner and then we’ll…” I stopped, not wanting to ruin what I had planned by telling her.

“We’ll fuck?”

I let my eyes wander all over her perfect body once more before turning and opening the door without replying to her suggestion.

“Eight,” I repeated. “And put some damn clothes on.”

When Riggs invited me to come have dinner with him, of course I had to go all out on the outfit.

Like he asked me to, I wore a bikini underneath which was slightly too small for me, but since he has seen me naked already, I didn’t think that would bother him.

If anything, it would make him want to take it off me.

I wore a tight dress similar to the one I wore at Copyright 2016 - 2024