Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,44

of her which automatically pulled me in.

There were many pretty girls in this town, but none have ever piqued my interest and need the way Valley had.

She kept me interested enough to go after her, and if I wasn’t careful enough, she’d one day be the one bossing me around.

“Open your eyes,” I muttered, looking back into her face as she now moved her hips against mine without me controlling her anymore.

Her blue eyes had tears in them, but the look in them told me how good she was feeling.

The confidence never left them, which was another turn on.

I brushed the backs of my pointer fingers along her hard nipples, teasing and gently pulling on them before squeezing them between my finger and thumb.

A soft moan escaped her while she bit her bottom lip and kept her big eyes on mine.

“On your knees,” I ordered, but instead of doing what I told her to, she placed her hands on my chest and leaned in closer, kissing me passionately and pushing her sweet tongue into my mouth.

Not what I wanted her to do, but her braveness had to be rewarded.

Just for a few seconds though.

I let my tongue dip deep into her mouth, licking hers and then pushing her away from me with an angry growl.

“On your fucking knees, Valley!” I barked, getting first a damn grin from her and then finally what I wanted.

I gripped a fistful of her hair when she knelt between my legs in front of me, and with my other hand I pushed my boxer briefs down my hips.

Her eyes flashed with need and hunger, but I didn’t let her have it just yet.

“Tell me where you want my cum, baby.”

I started to rub my dick right in front of her face, holding it tight in my hand and squeezing the tip with my fingers to intensify the feeling.

She moved her eyes to my hand, hungry for my dick and ready to suck on it. But first, I wanted her to answer my question.

“Tell me, Valley. Where do you want my cum?”

“In my mouth,” she replied, her voice raspy and sweet.

Good enough.

I tilted my dick toward her lips but kept her in place with my hand still fisting her hair.

“You gonna suck on it hard, hm? Show me how much you want my cum, Val.”

Her lips were parted and her tongue ready to lick another drop of precum off the tip.

“You want it?” I teased, watching the frown between her brows deepen as she realized how hard I was going to make this for her.

“Yes, Daddy,” she replied with a devilish undertone.

I raised a brow and yanked at her hair. “What did I tell you about calling me that?”

But instead of letting her answer, I pulled her head closer to my dick, making her wrap her lips around it and pushing her head down until she had most of it in her mouth.

She gagged, tried to adjust to the sudden intrusion, but I kept her right there as punishment, not letting her move.

“You don’t ever fucking call me that without my permission, understood?”

Wasn’t really a question I wanted her answer to.

She knew she had to listen, and since she couldn’t talk anyway, I kept her face pressed against my stomach with my shaft deep in her mouth.

I felt the back of her throat with my tip, and I moved her head around a little to try and get it even deeper.

She gagged again, pushing her hands against my thighs, fighting for some air, but how much fun would it really be if I just let her have what she wanted?

She had to suffer through this now, until her fucking face turned blue.

I kept her right there, not letting her breathe.

After struggling for a while, she finally calmed her body and relaxed, making me grin as her hands moved up to my stomach to caress it gently.

“Just like that, baby. Hold your damn breath and show me how good you can be,” I murmured, loosening the grip in her hair a little and brush along the side of her head with my thumbs while every muscle in her body relaxed.

“Fuck,” I growled quietly, my own body tensing in response to hers. “This is how it will be from now on. You misbehave, I teach you a lesson. Seems like you’re a fast learner.”

Her fingers moved along the creases of my muscles, making sure not to miss one.

I liked this side of her when she surrendered and did Copyright 2016 - 2024