Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,36

he didn’t want me to touch myself, I started to rub my clit against his thigh.

“You don’t listen, do you? You never fucking listen,” he growled, thrusting harder than before.

I felt his body tense, and just like he stated, I didn’t listen to him and moved my fingers to my pussy to wet them, then I placed them back on his asshole and pushed one finger inside his tight hole while he slowly moved closer to his high.

“GAAAH!” His body tensed up even more, but as he started to lose control over his own body, pushing his cock even deeper into my mouth, I started to move my finger to stimulate him even more.

I tasted his cum as the orgasm hit him, and to make things hard on me, he kept my head right there while I had no other option than to swallow his cum.

“Fuuuck!” His loud groans were hopefully not heard upstairs where Garett was staying, but even if…I wouldn’t have minded Garett watching or even getting in on the fun, knowing he had many kinks I wanted to try out in real life one day.

Maybe Riggs would let me, but the way he acted tonight, so rough and bossy, I didn’t think he’d ever let me watch him rub his own cum on his skin or even taste it.

I kept my eyes open while he slowly came down from what seemed like an intense and incredible high, and once he pulled his cock out of my mouth, I grinned at him and wrapped both hands around his shaft again.

“Don’t tell me you can’t go for round two,” I teased, getting a low chuckle out of him.

“I gotta take you home,” he murmured, pushing my hands off him and pulling up his boxer briefs and pants.

“This wasn’t the last time I sucked your cock,” I stated, wanting him to know that this wasn’t over for me yet.

He buttoned his pants and eyed me carefully, then he reached out and brushed away a drop of his cum mixed with my saliva from the corner of my mouth and lifted it up to his lips to taste it.


I wanted to see more of that.

“No, it wasn’t,” he replied, his voice stern as always.

That was good enough for me, and once I got up and straightened my skirt, I stepped closer to him and placed my hands on his chest.

“And maybe next time you can make me come too,” I whispered close to his lips.

His right hand came around my body to cup my ass, but he moved it further down, underneath my skirt to let his fingers move along my wetness.

My inner thighs were sticky and wet from all the juices coming out of me.

“Maybe I’m lucky enough and you will lick and suck on my clit right now,” I said quietly and full of hope.

A smug grin appeared on his lips, and as he entered two fingers inside my pussy from behind, he shook his head.

“Told you you’re not deserving of that tonight.”

My lips parted at the almost gentle way he fingered me again, not recognizing him when he was this careful not to hurt me.

Not sure I liked that part of him, but he was teasing again, and I had to keep that in mind.

He wouldn’t make me come, leaving it up to me and my vibrator tonight.

“Too bad,” I whispered, keeping my eyes on his and clenching my pussy, wanting more from him.

But before the tension in my lower belly started forming, he pulled out his fingers.

“Let’s go,” he drawled, turning away from me and heading out of the bedroom.

I used this moment to take a look around his room. It was furnished like the rest of his house.

It almost looked like a cabin in the woods, but instead of seeing trees when looking out of the big windows, there was an incredible view looking out over the city.

Must’ve been nice waking up here every morning with a view like that.

I followed Riggs and saw him waiting on me by the front door, and once he opened it, we walked out of the house to get to his car.

“Weren’t you afraid your brother could hear us?” I asked once we got into the car.

“Where’s the fun without the possibility of getting caught?” he asked back, making me laugh.


It was still weird that Garett was Riggs’s brother, but I was glad he had no clue about who I was.

It was a strange coincidence, but even with all the Copyright 2016 - 2024