Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,34

his rigid cock back into my mouth.

“Fuck, baby. You look fucking beautiful with my dick in your pretty mouth. Think you’d look even better with it deep inside your tight pussy,” he growled, now slowly thrusting in and out of my mouth.

I kept my eyes on his, my mouth wrapped around his shaft and my tongue twirling around his tip every time he pulled back.

Precum had already dropped onto my tongue, letting me taste him while he held control over me.

“Take that hand off your pussy, Valley,” he ordered as he noticed how I moved my hips against my hand, but I was already feeling the orgasm building up inside of me, and I didn’t wanna stop.

“I said, take your fucking hand off your pussy!”

But before I could listen to him and do what he said, Riggs pulled his cock out of my mouth, grabbed me by the hair with both fists and pulled me up onto me feet to then turn me around and push me onto the bed with my legs dangling from the side of it.

A loud smack, then a burning sensation spread across my ass as he pushed my head against the mattress.

“Told you we’re playing by my damn rules, and if you don’t listen, I will punish you,” he warned with his deep voice.

I bit my bottom lip and moved my hands to my side to lift up the skirt a little more, to show him just how wet this short but very intense interaction made me.

With my legs spread, I could hear him mutter something under his breath as he definitely was looking straight at my exposed pussy.

“Will you play with my pussy then?” I asked, my voice hoarse but filled with confidence and excitement.

His hand in my hair tightened, and since I couldn’t see what he was doing behind me, I waited patiently for him to react to what I said.

The suspense was killing me, and my clit throbbed, needing attention.

Then, another loud smack, burning on my right ass cheek again.

I moaned, not able to hold back the way that made me feel, and as I slowly recovered from it, he spanked me one last time before he let go of my hair, gripping my wrists in one hand behind my back and spreading my legs wider apart with his other.

He wasn’t saying a word of what his intentions were, but when I felt his beard tickle my skin, I knew exactly what was coming.

Spit flowed down between my folds, and shortly after, his tongue licked all the way from my clit up to my asshole.

My body shivered, wanting him to taste more of me.

I wiggled my ass to show him that I wanted him to do that again, but the tease that he was, he got up again and placed his large hand on my ass to squeeze it tight.

“I’m not gonna fuck you tonight. You don’t deserve it. But you will make me come. Turn around.”

He let go of my wrists and I slowly turned to sit up straight in front of him, with his rock-hard cock right in my face.

I lifted my hands to wrap my fingers around his shaft, but he slapped them away with a deep, angry frown between his brows.

“Did I tell you to fucking touch my dick?” he asked.

“No, Daddy.”

It slipped, but the way he acted just made me wanna call him that.

It was a mistake though, as he slapped my cheek again, this time slightly harder and quickly cupping my jaw to avoid losing eye contact.

“Did I give you permission?” he asked, his voice dark and provoking.

I shook my head and couldn’t stop from grinning. “No.”

“Then why do you continue to push my limits and do the things I told you not to?”

“Because I know how much you hate the way I tease you. You want me,” I purred, and my answer resulted in him pushing his fingers back into my mouth, pushing my tongue down and getting as far down my throat with his fingers as possible.

“I’m taking what I want when I want it. Don’t need your naughty mouth to ask for it. I know you want my dick deep inside of you, but you don’t deserve it that easily.”

His fingers pushed further into my mouth, making me gag and close my eyes for a moment before he pulled them out again.

They were wet, and he put that to good use when he reached down between my legs and rubbed my saliva all Copyright 2016 - 2024