Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,20

everything,” Della said.


“We have so many things left in the fridge and I couldn’t decide on one thing to cook. I’ve already put the pizza in the oven. Just help me season the chicken, please.”

“Isn’t it too early? Thought Riggs would come for dinner.”

“It’s almost five, sweetie, and I have a few more things to do before we can eat. He’ll be here at six.”

And the pizza really had to be in the oven for so long?

I turned to the oven to check, then noticed it wasn’t even on or preheated.

As much as I wanted to, I wouldn’t judge her cooking. It was her putting food on our table every day, so I couldn’t allow myself to comment on the way she prepared our food.

“Isn’t that skirt a little too short for you, Val? I thought you’d thrown it away years ago.”

I had intended to, but then I discovered the world of cam girls and decided that I could put it to real good use.

Some of the men were into the whole schoolgirl thing, and since I still was one, they were still able to live their fantasies with the way I dressed for them at times.

“I thought I might be able to squeeze into it, so I kept it. Do I look bad?” I asked.

“Oh, no, you look beautiful. I just don’t think your father will like the way you’re dressed tonight.”

Not only Dad.

I was excited to see Riggs’s face when he saw me tonight.

I shrugged at her comment and continued to season the chicken with every spice she had put out for me to use, and since I was in control of them, I didn’t put too much on the chicken, knowing those spices could quickly ruin a great dinner.

I felt good in what I was wearing, and I’ve always loved having tight clothes on.

The skirt was just a bonus, and although I was wearing underwear, the cool breeze between my thighs felt nice.

It got rid of all the hotness building down there, just waiting for Riggs to arrive and make me wetter than I already was.

Just the thought of him excited me, and I’d make sure to place my plate right next to his so I couldn’t be sitting too far from him tonight.

“Just in time,” Della said with a smile as the pizza was done.

I had already set the table for four and placed the bowls and plates with the food in the middle of it so everyone was able to reach it.

“Is Riggs here?” Dad asked as he walked down the stairs.

“He just arrived,” I said, smiling at him. “You’ve been working all day again. It’s Sunday, Dad.”

“I had things to take care of. When you own a business, there’s no time to take breaks. Just wait and see.”

Still didn’t think I would ever own a damn business.

Well, no business other than one for cam girls. That would be fun.

“Aren’t you cold?” he asked as he noticed my exposed legs.

“No,” I replied with a shrug, hoping he wouldn’t say more.

To my luck, he only frowned for a few seconds before walking through the foyer to get to the front door right as Riggs rang the bell.

I brushed his judgemental glare off and followed him to see our guest come inside and hug him.

When Riggs noticed me, I couldn’t help but grin at him before walking closer to greet him as well.

“Hi, Riggs,” I said, trying not to sound too sweet.

He gave me a quick nod before looking away, and when he realized he couldn’t just stay mute, he looked back at me and said, “Hello, Valley.”

His deep voice sent shivers right down my spine and I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from grinning even wider.

“Oh, you’re right on time, Riggs. Valley and I just finished cooking and we’re ready to eat,” Della announced from the dining room.

“Sounds wonderful, Della. It smells amazing,” he said.

He was dressed almost same as last night, though a little less elegant. No dress shirt under his sweater, and his jeans looked comfortable enough to have a nice, laid-back dinner tonight.

I waited for Dad to pass me and then watched Riggs closely as he moved toward me with his eyes hooded and dark.

When he was close enough, he let his eyes move down my body, taking in every inch before pushing his fists into his pockets and blowing out air through his nose like a damn stallion.

As hot as he looked tonight, he didn’t have that expected gleam in Copyright 2016 - 2024