Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,125

you. But keep your damn promise and don’t touch her.”

Willem’s smirk grew, and with his thumb, he brushed along my bottom lip. “Good choice, Echo.”

I wasn’t so sure about that, but to avoid Kodiak, I had to get into a room he wasn’t allowed in.

Stupid dog, I thought.

Chapter Three


It was nice of them to let me stay there until they went back to town.

Not many would let an intruder live in the house they broke into, but these guys didn’t seem to mind at all.

I was a little nervous about it though, seeing how Willem talked to me, and how Nordin obviously disagreed with me staying.

He was not a fan of me, but I could work with that.

I’d just ignore him.

All three men started to put away their things, and while Summit placed all the grocery bags onto the table in the kitchen, I walked over to him to help.

I was useful for some things, and just standing around and watching wasn’t exactly nice of a guest.

“You wanna help, sweetheart?” Summit asked as I reached into one of the bags.

I nodded.

Where did you learn how to sign?

“Had to choose an elective in high school. Sign language was the only one that interested me at the time, and once I learned my first few words, I just kept going,” he explained with a shrug.

And now I can talk to someone behind my brothers’ backs without them ever knowing what I’m saying, he signed with a grin.

I smiled at him and nodded, knowing exactly what he means.

It’s not that I enjoyed talking behind people’s backs, but at home, Mom and I could communicate without my step-dad ever knowing what we were saying about him.

It pissed him off and made him angrier each time.

“Cut that shit, Summit. In this cabin we talk. If you have something to say, you open your damn mouth and form words.”

Nordin walked over to the fridge and shot me a glare, then looked at Summit with a warning look on his face.

“You talk to her, you use your words. She can hear you just fine. We’re nice enough for letting her stay here. She should respect our damn rules.”

“You’re being an asshole,” Summit told him. “She’s not doing any harm. She needs shelter, and we’re giving it to her. Who knows what she’s been through? And I’m sure she doesn’t need any of your bullshit.”

Nordin let out a harsh laugh, then he shook his head. “She probably just ran away from home. She’s a teenager. Probably broke up with her boyfriend or had a fight with her mother, got angry and ran off to teach them a lesson.”

His words stung in my chest, and I tried my best not to look at him.

He was partly right.

I did run away, but not because of a boyfriend or my mother.

“That’s enough.” Willem walked into the kitchen and stopped right behind me, placing his large hand on my shoulder.

“She’ll explain to us why she’s here, and you will listen. She’s not okay, and there’s no need for you to make her matters worse.”

Willem’s personality was hard to determine.

He was nice in the beginning, then he became this confident guy, telling me to sleep in his bed, and now he’s protecting me from his douchey brother.

I for sure had to get used to him.

“Put the groceries away. I want you all in the living room in twenty.”

Willem squeezed my shoulder, then left the room after glaring at Nordin once more.

I also looked at him, pressing my lips into a thin line.

He sighed and ran his hand through his thick, wavy hair, then left the room as well.

“Here,” Summit said, holding two cans of beans to me. “You know where these belong.” He smiled softly, and I grabbed both cans to store them away in the cupboard.

Before grabbing the next ones, I tapped Summit’s shoulder to get his attention.

Did I do something wrong?

He smiled and shook his head at me, then he lifted his hands to sign.

Nordin’s a dickhead. Ignore him.

I slowly nodded.

Maybe he just needed some time to adjust to me being around.

After putting all the groceries away, I walked over to the living room with Summit, and as I was about to sit down on the couch, Kodiak came running toward us.

I gripped Summit’s arm tightly with both hands, trying to push myself behind him and hide.

“Down, boy,” he said, trying to get Kodiak back on all four paws.

Why did they have to have such a big one?

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