Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,105

would show up here after what he saw.

“Hey, sweetheart,” Dad said. “You okay?”

I crossed my arms and nodded. “Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry about Della,” I told him, but he waved his hand to brush it off.

“She needs some time, that’s all. I was unsure if coming here would be a good idea, but I had to know if you’re okay. I just want answers about…this.”

I had never seen my father this confused, but it assured me that he wasn’t here to hurt Riggs, or call him an asshole for wanting to be with his daughter.

“Let’s go sit down,” Riggs offered, and we walked back to the living room where we all sat down, Dad on the couch opposite from us.

“I guess I’m here to find out where all this started. You’ve never talked to me about dating anyone, and now you’re with him and I…”

I looked at Dad, understanding his confusion.

Although I knew exactly where this between Riggs and I had started, I couldn’t be honest about it.

But I had to be honest about most things, or else this wouldn’t make any sense.

“That night he came over for your birthday, that’s the first time we actually talked. I guess…from then on it came naturally. I liked him, and the more time I spent with him, the more that grew into something bigger.”

“So all those nights you said you were going to see Kennedy you were here?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Most times, and I’m sorry for lying. But I didn’t know how you’d react.”

Dad moved his gaze to Riggs. “Ever thought about telling me or asking my permission to date my daughter?”

Ugh, shitty question.

“No, I didn’t,” he told Dad boldly, making me widen my eyes in surprise. “She’s got her own mind, and she’s not afraid to show what she wants. I didn’t talk to you about it because I didn’t think you’d take it like this, and to protect her. I don’t think either of us knew where this was headed, and if it were only a short-lived fling, I don’t think it would’ve been necessary to tell you.”

I did understand Dad, but I also knew what Riggs was saying was important. If this wouldn’t have blossomed into an actual relationship, there was no reason for us to tell him we had sex.

“No, that would’ve been worse,” Dad mumbled, rubbing his hands against each other with his elbows propped on his knees.

His eyes move to mine again. “Are you happy?”

“Yes,” I replied quickly. “I’m happy, Dad. Riggs makes me happy. And I know it might be weird for you…but I don’t want it to be. I don’t wanna lose him or you. Or Della.”

“I will talk to her when I get back home. Don’t worry about it.” He took a deep breath and looked at us for a moment before he nodded. “I’m happy if you are. Next time…maybe tell me before Della attracts all the attention of the whole country club.”

I smiled and got up from the couch to hug him. “Thank you, Dad. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

“I love you, sweetheart. You know I would never stop you from being happy.”

“Love you too, Dad.” I stepped away from him and smiled, and after he looked at Riggs and gave him a quick nod, we walked him to the front door to say good night.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

I nodded, then watched him leave and get back into his car before Riggs closed the door with a relieved sigh. “That went better than expected,” he said.

I laughed. “Yeah…still not sure if he’s serious or will come back with a gun.”

“Let’s hope not.”

I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned against him with my head on his chest and my eyes closed.

He kissed the top of my head and put his arms around my shoulders, holding me tightly against him as we both relaxed.

No matter the outcome when I go home tomorrow, I wanted to enjoy tonight with Riggs and not think about what kind of nasty words she had prepared for me next.


Everything I hoped for was the total opposite of how she reacted the next day.

She screamed at me, telling me how wrong it was to date a much older man and that I would go to hell for it.

That God didn’t appreciate women like me, and how Dad was wrong for defending me.

She had repeated herself about ten times, and while I sat on the couch and listened to her rude Copyright 2016 - 2024