Feline the Pressure - L.A. Boruff

Chapter One


Three days before the Summer Solstice

The summer heat trickles down my back as a bead of sweat. I guess technically I can use my magic to stop it, but in a way, I welcome the oppressive humidity. I always imagined that this close to the ocean it could never feel this warm and moist, but tonight the wind is strangely absent.

I push the rocking chair on the front porch with my toe, losing track of how many times I've done it now. The floorboards creak in protest, but I ignore them. They've lasted years as part of the house, they can manage a little longer.

I stare out at the street in front of me, but nothing is happening, not at this time of the night. Everyone is asleep, dreaming of a more peaceful time. I should be too.

I left the guys asleep in my room. We've been sleeping in shifts, so I've been sandwiched between Will and Hank. The air conditioner in the old house has been struggling to keep up with all the people living inside. Maybe we have too much body heat for it, or the extra warm summer overwhelms it, but even with fans we've snuck in, sleeping between the two guys is warm. Too warm.

If I can get a breeze out on the porch, it'll be perfect. Oh, well. Closing my eyes, I settle my head against the chair and sigh as I rock. The gentle movement soothes me for a moment, though it doesn't last long. It never does. There are too many people around and too much to do all the time. At the moment, it's virtually impossible for me to keep up with it all.

My eyes drift closed, teasing me with the idea of sleep coming. With the wards around the property line, it's safe enough to drift off here. Perhaps I should. I'll need all the rest I can get once people start waking up again.

Something brushes the edge of my consciousness, and my eyes snap open, my instincts screaming to life. Sometimes, it's hard to believe I don't have my cat anymore. I certainly act like it at times.

I jump to my feet as I search the yard for what's caught my attention. The soft glow from the street lights, and the bright moon, help to illuminate the night. And yet, I see nothing as I let my gaze skim everything in sight.

The spooked-sensation transitions into one of safety and protection, and the change washes over me like the comforting hug of a dear friend. Whatever is out there isn't going to hurt me, I can feel it in my soul. And yet, I feel that I need to know what it is.

I make my way down the steps and onto the walkway, searching for whatever has caught my attention. Whatever is calling to me or my magic.

Breathing deep, I ignore the smell of honeysuckle and salt to focus on the feeling. It's a purely good power, like white magic, if such a thing exists. As far as I know, magic is neutral, though that doesn't explain how I know the earth wants me to lead the coven. But maybe that's nothing to do with what's good or bad, and is about something more.

Or, even worse, about the lesser of two evils. I'm sure I can't be anywhere near as bad as my uncle for everything that's going on in the town. Maybe that's why the magic wants me. Not because I'm better, but because I'm not worse.

My bare feet sink into the cool, damp grass and I walk around the house. I'm not sure why I go in that direction, except every step gets me closer to the feeling of pure happiness. Of home.

I take a moment to determine I'm not in a trance, with everything going on, it's better to be sure of those kinds of things. But I know exactly what I'm doing and where I'm going. To the very depths of my soul, I know that whoever calls out to me means me no harm and wants to help us.

"Callie!" James's voice startles me as it cuts through the night air.

An involuntary squeak escapes me, and I jump then whirl around so I can see him.

I press a hand to my chest, trying to still the fast beating of my heart. "You scared me to death," I scold. "What are you doing back here?"

"It's my turn to keep watch," he says. "I let Theresa go lie down

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