Feast of Fools Page 0,77

Myrnin swept into the room. It was a cavernous, dark place set up ballroomstyle, with round tables and chairs, and a large dais on the stage. Fine white linens. Floral arrangements on each table. Glittering glass and gleaming china. The entire room was lit by candles - thousands of them, in massive crystal displays.

It would have been magical, if it hadn't been so scary. The pressure of all that attention - hundreds of eyes watching their every move - made Claire's knees feel like bags of water.

Myrnin seemed to sense it. "Steady," he said softly. "Smile. Head up. No sign of weakness."

She tried. She wasn't sure how she managed it, but when he released her next to a chair, she sank down fast. They were at an empty table near the back of the room. As she looked around, she saw that Sam was seated not far away, and so was Oliver. Eve was with him, staring wide-eyed at Claire.

She couldn't see Michael. Unfortunately, she could see Shane all too clearly, because Ysandre was on the dais on the stage, and she'd brought Shane on his leash up the steps so that everyone could see him, too. They were seated at a long table on one side; Fran?ois and his date were on the other.

Still no sign of Amelie, or Bishop.

Claire's father started to get up from his seat across the room, but the vampire with him took his arm and pulled him back into his chair. So the rules were no mingling, apparently. She wanted to go to him, very badly, but when she glanced at Myrnin, he shook his head. "Wait," he said. "You wanted to play the game, Claire. Now we'll find out if you really have the gall for it."

"That's my dad!"

"I told you, this will be a test of nerves. Yours are on display. Calm yourself."

Fine talk from a guy who'd let his eyes turn red when somebody as unthreatening as Sam got in his face. But Claire concentrated on deep, slow breaths, and kept her gaze turned down, away from temptation.

"Ah," Myrnin said, in a voice full of satisfaction. "They're here."

He meant, of course, Amelie and Bishop. Amelie entered first from the right of the stage, a glittering sculpture all in a white so cold it hurt the eyes. She'd come as some sort of ice spirit, which was appropriate in so many ways. Her platinum hair was woven into a crystalline tower, and she looked delicate and fragile.

On her arm was Jason Rosser. At least, Claire thought it was Jason. She'd never seen him after a bath and a haircut, but she recognized the stooped shoulders and the walk, if nothing else. He was wearing a hooded brown monk's robe. She picked someone she could afford to lose, Claire thought. That's why she didn't pick me. It should have made her feel better about being left out, but somehow, it didn't.

Bishop entered, stage left. He was dressed all in Episcopal purple, in - what else? - a bishop's costume, minus the cross. He even had the tall hat, the miter.

On his arm, he had an angel. A woman dressed as one, anyway, with fine white feathery wings that were taller than she was, and swept the floor behind her.

Claire slapped both hands over her mouth to hold in the shriek that threatened to erupt.

It was her mother.

"Steady," Myrnin said. His cool hand pressed her arm. "What did I tell you? Control yourself! We have miles to go yet."

She didn't want to listen to him. She wanted to get her mom and her dad, Shane and Michael and Eve. She wanted to get out of here, hit the borders of Morganville, and keep on going.

She didn't want to be here anymore.

Other guests filled in the remaining seats at their table, and two of them were Charles and Miranda. Miranda looked dreadfully young and pallid under her snaky hair and Greek robes. She sat next to Claire, and under cover of the tablecloth, reached for her hand. Claire allowed it. Miranda's felt as cool as Myrnin's, and clammy with fear.

"It's happening," Miranda said. "All the blood. All the fear. It's really happening."

"Hush," said Charles, seated next to her, and nodded at her plate. "Eat. Beef will build your strength."

Miranda, like Claire, picked at the prime rib on her plate. Claire tried a bite. It was good - smoky, tender, just the right warmth - but she had no appetite. Myrnin tucked into his with a

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