Fearless Pursuit - Barbara Freethy Page 0,71

where Natasha was with your father, to where she was found."

"I thought so, too. Someone else came to meet her."

"Someone she knew and probably trusted," he said.

"They weren't caught on any security cameras in the park, I know that from the police report. But it was a big park and the cameras were few and far between."

"It would be nice to know how much time passed between your father's departure and your grandmother's death."

"I should have asked my dad what time he left. There were no signs of a struggle. But then, Julia didn't have any bruises either."

"The killer must have incapacitated both of them in some way, probably poison in what appears to be an innocuous drink, followed by an injection."

"But they didn't find any drinks in the car. And I didn't see anything at Julia's house."

"The killer would have taken it with him."

She shook her head in bemusement. "I can't believe we're talking about poison and murder like this. It feels so odd."

"Definitely the strangest date I've ever been on." He gave her a small smile.

She found herself smiling back. "Breakfast was a date. This—I don't know what this is."

He stopped at a light and turned his gaze on her. "You look beat, Maya."

"I feel tired. But I'm also wired." She paused. "What do you think about Julia being involved with Bragin?"

"I'm not surprised. They were part of the same social circle. But I don't think you should try to talk to him."

"Why not?"

"It will only turn the heat up, not down. You need to convince everyone you're dropping this story, even if you decide you don't want to do that. You don't have to be done; you just have to look like you are." As the light turned green, he sped down the road and got on the freeway.

"It is possible that I'll never make the movie or reveal my dad's secret. I just didn’t like the fact that my father thought I should instantly fall into line and promise to keep his secret from the family. My siblings and my mom have a right to know." She paused. "Or maybe they don't. Is he right? Is it his life, not ours?"

"I don't think I can answer that question."

"Even if I do nothing with the information, I still want to know who killed Natasha and Julia. I've come this far, and even though it could be dangerous, I don't see how I can stop."

"Which is why you need to minimize the danger."

"I went about this all wrong, didn't I? I came in like a bull in a china shop, ambushing people, asking bold questions, making everyone nervous. I should have been more subtle, but that's not really my specialty."

"I like that you're bold," he said, giving her another quick grin. "That you're spontaneous and impulsive."

"You do, huh?"

"It has definitely had its advantages for me."

"What about you, Jax? Do you lean toward reckless and spontaneous or methodical and practical?"

"What do you think?"

"I honestly don't know. Sometimes you seem carefree and chill and other times you're serious and intense."

"Well, I think we've been through some highs and some lows."

"That's true. I appreciate your support, Jax. I've been a little short on friends the past year."

"Where are your friends?" he asked curiously.

"Well, to be honest, two of my best friends got married this past year and the others I've lost touch with because of my work schedule. My hours often go late into the night. And since I became obsessed with Natasha's story, I spend my spare time, what little there is, researching her life. I haven't been the greatest of friends, that's for sure. I keep telling myself I'll catch up when this is over. I hope it's not too late."

"I'm sure it won't be."

"What about you? Do you have a lot of friends from acting and bartending?"

"I've met a lot of people the last few years, but Hollywood friendships aren't always that deep."

"I hear you on that. Do you have a couple of close friends?"

"I do. I have a group that's been tight for a while."

"Are they actors?"

"No. We met at school."

"Are they local?"

"Some of them are."

"It's nice that you've kept in touch."

"It's somewhat miraculous."

"So, there are people you love, even though you said you don't do love."

"Are we back to love?" he asked with a groan.

"It makes the world go round," she said lightly, not really sure why she kept bringing it up, except that she was still trying to figure out who Jax was.

"I care about

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