Fearless Pursuit - Barbara Freethy Page 0,115

smiled. "I'm really not. With Grandma's help, the FBI took down a huge spy ring in the eighties, but the bureau left Coleman and Constantine in play because she was getting information from them. They didn't want to shut down the pipeline. Then Natasha was killed, and a few days later, the FBI agent who had been handling her died of a heart attack, probably induced by some kind of poison. Since Grandma had been working off the books, once that agent died, no one knew that Natasha's death was murder."

"Was it Coleman or Constantine?"

"I don't know if there's irrefutable evidence against Coleman, but it looks like he killed Julia, so there's a good chance he also killed Natasha."

"Wait! Julia is dead?" More shock entered his eyes.

"Oh, yes, sorry. I forgot you didn't know that. Coleman tried to frame Julia as Natasha's killer."

Her grandfather shook his head. "I never imagined the story would go like this."

"Natasha did some bad things, Grandpa, but she did some good things, too."

"Does your father know everything?"


"How's he handling it?"

"Maybe better than you might expect. I think the truth has set him free." She didn't want to get into the night of the murder, the fact that her father had been in the car. That could all come out later. Her grandfather was already starting to look fatigued and overwhelmed.

"Maybe Rex will now understand why she separated from us," her grandfather said. "I'm sure she didn't want to put him or myself in danger."

"She loved you both. You know that, because you read her journals."

"But there were so many things I didn't understand. And that odd black book—what was that about?"

"It was code, Grandpa. It was everything she'd been doing. If you hadn't given me those books, none of this might have come to light."

He smiled. "I knew you were the right person for the job. I didn't expect you to take down a Russian spy ring, which makes me nervous about your safety."

"I'm okay. I might have started the ball rolling, but the FBI is on this now. They're the ones who are collecting the evidence that will put everyone away."

"Good. Then you can concentrate on making your movie."

"I'm going to need your help on that."

"You'll have it." He reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Thank you, Maya. I have one last favor. Will you tell her for me?"

"I will." She gave him another kiss and left the room.

Walking out to her car, she felt happier than she had in a while. Her grandfather and father had closure. Her family was back to supporting her, and the bad guys were going to jail. There was one more person who needed to hear that.

Jax roamed the Firebird Club Tuesday afternoon, looking for the one person who had evaded arrest—Sylvia Graham. Her car was in the lot, but she was nowhere to be found. After his team had descended upon the club, they'd been able to take Alexander, Victoria, Louisa, and Ryland Jagger into custody. Ryland had immediately requested a lawyer, which he'd get once he got to the field office. They'd be working with Damon's office on the interviews and statements as they simply needed more manpower to get through everyone at the same time. This was looking to be one of the biggest spy operations in history.

Daniel Bragin, his daughter, Lindsay were also being brought in for questioning along with Dustin Paul and Lisa Hoffman.

But right now, he was focusing on finding Sylvia. After the club had been shut down and members asked to leave, the staff had been sequestered in the main dining room. There had been a lot of questions and speculation, none of which they'd addressed.

As he made his way back up to the lobby, he ran into his former boss, Ray Shalinski, who had just finished talking to Beck.

"Jax, what's going on?" Ray asked.

"I'm sure Agent Maxwell has apprised you of the situation."

"I have," Beck replied.

Ray's gaze narrowed. "You really fooled me, Jax. I thought you were just an actor looking to make some money serving drinks. Sylvia was right to be suspicious of you."

"Have you seen Sylvia? We can't find her."

"She was here. I spoke to her about five minutes before all of you came busting in. She got a text, and I saw her go outside. I don't know where she went."

"A text from whom?"

"She doesn't tell me who she's texting," Ray said.

"Are you sure you don't know?" he challenged. "You've been working here for

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