This Fearless Girl (St. Clary's University #2) - E. M. Moore Page 0,28

and stares directly at me. “If you’d let me kiss you right now, I don’t think I could stop.”

“If you two had to stay lip-locked, we’d never find the treasure,” Wyatt says.

Stone swings his stare to his friend. “If you weren’t stabbed a week ago, I’d punch you.”

Nerves skate through me. Though Wyatt talks in the background, all I can see are Stone’s lips. It triggers a memory of what it was like to kiss him, and I have to agree. If I let him kiss me again, I might not be able to stop either.


After we’ve all gone to bed, I stare at the ceiling. I don’t know what it is about these guys, but I can’t refuse them when they’re around. The pull is greater than the push. With Lucas, it’s not as scary. Wyatt is still uncharted territory even though it’s evident we’re physically attracted to each other. But with Stone.... Damn Stone. My fear levels spike. It’s like being consumed by a hatred you’ve held all your life, and you don’t know whether you’re going to drown in it or get carried away by the tides.

A soft knock sounds on the door. Instinctively, I pull the covers up like I’m a little girl who heard a noise in the house. “Come in,” I choke out.

My mind blitzes, wondering if Stone is going to come walking through that door and if he does, what the hell I’m going to do about it. We relate on a whole different level. The treasure is bringing us together as much as it used to push us apart.

Relief flows through me when Wyatt’s dark-as-night hair pops into view. He limps in, lifting his chin to greet me with a warm smile. He looks boyish without his hat, but it in no way diminishes his hotness factor. Especially considering he’s refused to wear a shirt.

“Hey,” he says. His thick lashes fan over his cheeks, and I nearly melt. I blame Lucas with all his talk of me being theirs. I can’t help but want to test that theory, but Wyatt’s injured.

“What are you doing out of bed?”

He moves closer, the white bandage sticking out against his golden skin. “This is going to sound lame as shit, but I haven’t been able to sleep since, you know, I got stabbed for you.”

Horror rips through me. “For me?”

“Well, I was trying to save you,” he says, but he waves that particular part of the conversation away. “I’m here for your magic hands.”

He shifts from foot to foot as much as he can bear. Dropping his gaze to the floor, he reaches for his hat, but he must’ve forgotten he left it in his room.

Seeing him slip from confident to vulnerable is too much. “Wyatt Longhorn, get your ass in this bed.”

His jaw ticks as our eyes meet. He hobbles forward before slipping gingerly down onto the mattress as I make room for him, scooting up so I can have easier access to his hair. He sighs when he gets into position. “I don’t know what it is about your bed, but I swear it’s comfier than mine. It wouldn’t surprise me if Stone bought you a better mattress than ours.”

“Please,” I say, snickering. I stare at his flat hair for a moment. This time, it feels more intimate than when he was drunk. It’s preplanned; more out of place, though it feels like it shouldn’t be.

Fuck it all.

I run my fingers through his silky hair from front to back. His eyes flutter closed, and he sighs, relaxing even more.

Like last time, my fingers trail over the ridge on his head. I pretend I don’t notice because he must know I feel it. He has to. If he wanted me to know how he got it, he’d tell me.

In any case, Wyatt falls asleep within thirty seconds. Fucking impressive. Scarier, though, is when my eyelids start drooping soon after. Before I know it, I’m fast asleep, too.

Wyatt moves first the next morning. He quietly and carefully removes his body from mine. I pretend to be asleep to let him run away in peace. He was so self-conscious about coming to me last night, and I don’t want to start the day with another bout of awkwardness between us. I want to start today on good terms; we’re finally all on the same page as far as the treasure goes, Cole isn’t breathing down our necks right this second, and I’m looking forward to a Sunday Copyright 2016 - 2024