This Fearless Girl (St. Clary's University #2) - E. M. Moore Page 0,23

to be so mad!” I pull away and turn toward the library, gnawing at my lip. I don’t know if I can ever show my face there again.

Lucas comes up behind me and playfully nips my neck. “I’m sure we’re not the first to get it on in the library.”

“Maybe she doesn’t know?” I say, holding onto some strand of hope that I can look her in the eye again the next time I go in.

“Dakota,” Lucas says. “We went to the empty downstairs to look at books, and we came back up without any books. Her immediate thought is that we definitely did something else down there. Unless you want to run back in and tell her that you hid the Wilder treasure secrets in her bookshelves, I think it’s better that she thinks we got it on in the stacks.” He lowers his voice, his tenor a rich hum in my ear. “Plus, we actually did get it on in the stacks, which I absolutely loved, and I refuse to let you take that away from me. Next time, I’ll be buried so deep inside you that you’ll forget where you are.”

My body thrums. “Every interaction with you is a prelude to sex, isn’t it?” His voice. His words. It’s as if he’s constantly priming me to want his dick. Which I’m definitely okay with.

His hand tangles in my hair, pulling at the curls playfully to make me look at him. “Absolutely.” He tightens his hold and lowers his lips to mine. I taste a hint of myself on him that catapults me into a needy place.

I deepen the kiss, sliding my arms around him to pin us together. The moan he releases in the back of his throat is primal. I may have started the passionate kiss, but he takes it over. Our teeth nearly clash, both of us fighting for what we want.

Eventually, Lucas stops us. “Dear God, Dakota.” He swallows, his brown eyes swirl, watching me like a drowning man. He places his forehead on mine to collect himself, then pulls away, fingers sliding over mine before interlacing.

When I finally break through our bubble, I realize we’ve been quite the showstopper. A few passersby avert their eyes, and I even see Lucille walking out of the antique store across the street, her mouth practically on the floor.

The attention doesn’t bother Lucas. In fact, it doesn’t bother me either. I don’t particularly like being the center of attention, but Lucas makes it better. Like usual, he helps me up into the truck, passing the canister safely back to me before closing the door. He walks around the other side, nodding at Mr. Jenkins, an elderly man with a cane who used to own a ranch outside of town, as he walks down the street. Mr. Jenkins lifts his cane and says something to Lucas that makes him laugh, then Lucas gets in the truck, starting her up before putting his seatbelt on.

“What was that about?” I ask as the older man passes in front of the truck.

“He told me he remembered when he could do things like that, and if I had any sense, any girl I kissed like that should be wearing a ring.”

It’s my turn to have my jaw on the floor. Lucas peeks at me, red streaks staining his cheeks. He chuckles nervously, backing the truck out of the parking space before taking my hand in his again.

As if the tension wasn’t already high, on the outskirts of town, Lucas curses. He glances in his rearview, jaw clenching as he averts his gaze back to the road. “I think we’re being followed.”

I check the side mirror and see a black car trailing us. Judging by the two passengers, I’d have to agree. They don’t look like they’re from Clary at all. In fact, it looks like they’re trying too hard to be nondescript, but in Clary, everyone has a certain look about them. By going out of their way to not look like the odd ones out, they totally do.

“How long?”

“Since we left the library.”

“Pull over,” I tell Lucas.


“If it’s Cole’s guys, I’ve got something to say to him.”

He peers over at me, questions in his eyes, but I just stare back at him. “I guess we’re about to find out,” Lucas says, pulling over into the dry dirt on the side of the road. A dust cloud billows outward. I peer into the side mirror to see what the other car does, Copyright 2016 - 2024